
Join @Bing's #GiveWithBing on their Team in the #5K ... that K stands for #Kilo-, the prefix on #Kilometer #Kilobyte #Kilowatt #Kilocalorie #Kilogram (#Kg) #Kilojoule #Kilocycle #Kiloliter #Kiloton

@DavidPakmanShow, on how #TheFirstPresidentialDebate of 2020 makes America's System a #Laughingstock

@NOVApbs uncovers some surprises about the #Alphabet | #Alphabetic #Alphabetical #Alphabetically #Alphabetize #Alphabetization #Alphanumeric | @Jorgie915

#SpinningAYarn about #Yarn & #Yarns | @PeterMello @ForDummies @sheepandstitch

@HeavySpoilers on #RATCHED (@NETFLIX-backstory for #OneFlewOverTheCuckoosNest) | @Onomast

@HistoryJumpman might wanna know what @NBCNews reports about how #MichaelJordan bought a #NASCAR Team | @StreetMuscleMag

You Think Your One Vote isn't #important; and You're Right (about 'That Vote By itself'), but Your Vote's #importance is Proof that #AmericaisAChristianNation | @CopelandNetwork @DictionaryCom #BibleHub @prayerDotOrg | #importantly

Athletes, "The Real Action is #Off the Field" | Let @GQSports Keep Track of it, and You Can Focus on the #Sports | #OffAndOn #Sporting #OffSides #GoodSport #ALittleOff #Sport #Sported

@NOVApbs's report on #Slime inspires some Radical #EvolutionTheory | #Slimy #Slimed #Sliming

This @JoeBiden-Ad's not "Wrong," but the #Mudslinging Is a Childish Tactic that's #Beneath one who'd Represent The Respectable American Citizen! | @PaulCShipley | #Neath #Underneath

@GradyWSmith (et al.) list The Most #Commonly-Used Words in #CountryMusic (as of Sep 18, 2020) | #Common #Commonwealth #InCommon #Commonplace #Commoner

Newest News from ... a #PopTarts-Box? | @PopTartsUS | #Popped #Pops #Poppa #Tart #Tartlette #Tartly #Tarted #Tartness

Remembering that These Words are #NodesInTheNetwork of My Brain | @GSU_Phys_Astro | #Node #Nodes #Nodal #Nodule #Nodular #AntiNode

#Stormfront (@RealStormfront) ... #AKA-- ... Her Former Names (#TheBoys SPOILERS! @TheBoysTV @PrimeVideo)

What Do Those #GolfScore-Words mean again? | @PGATOUR @dotDashCo | #Golf #Golfer #Golfing #Golfs #GolfBall #GolfClubs @PGATOUR

The #Vagina: Like God, its Name is Too Wonderful/Disgusting to Be Spoken unless in Euphemism

@Bing's #WordOfTheDay #Daily - #toDay #DayInDayOut #AllDayLong #DayAndNight #NightAndDay #Days #DaysWithoutEnd #TheEndOfDays #Day

@MSNNews, about @JeffBezos' #Montessori Schools?