@TVinsider helps you find out if you're a #Supe or one of #TheBoys @TheBoysTV | @PersJunkie @SCREENRANT @CBR @Qwertee @Wikipedia @getFANDOM
'Those words' (below-hyperlinked to TV Insider's page introducing their "'Supe' or #Boy'"-quiz) are built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...
The word “Boy” is built on ancient words that mean ... 'the true source' is unclear, but it comes from a group of words—meaning things like Servant, Assistant, Older Kid Brother with a Mischievous Spirit (a Little Demon), |Young |Gentleman, |Knave, |Male Slave, |Ox Hide (the Leather used in the Collar by which a captive is |Fettered), Male Child before |Puberty, |Rascal, |Ruffian, Commoner, |Urchin.
The word “Supe” is (of course) built on the word Super (although the "Superheroes" of The Boys are actually more like 'Suped-Up-roes;--like DCTV's Metas--in that they did not receive their super-powers from their parents' genes, but from artificial modification after conception).
I hope I don't SPOIL it for you too much below, but–just in case–
I am (according to the quiz linked-to up in the etymology) one of 'The Boys' (a name that I hadn't heard them use until the last episode of the First Season, with the in-Universe news referring to them (I think) as "anti-Supe terrorists").

But SCREENRANT tells me that I'm either The Supes' 'Queen Maeve' (The Consul) or one of the 'Meyers-Briggs personality types' that SCREENRANT doesn't match to a character (maybe The Boys' Kimiko).
According to zodiac-signs' typical behaviors, I'd be The Boys' Billy Butcher.
But the quiz I'm surprised wasn't 'the first "Which The Boys Character are you most-like"-quiz I found'–the one on The Boys WIKI–says I'm–as my Myers-Briggs test most-closely told–most like Queen Maeve!
- the members of 'The Boys'
- Billy Butcher - with charm that brings The Boys together to work on his vendetta against The Supes & physically large & violent ... it's said he originally coined the name The Boys, as an earlier incarnation of the team was 'the boys you'd send-for to take care of problems-with-The-Supes' ... The Supe "Homelander" raped his wife Becky Saunders, with the pregnancy (they told both Billy & Homelander) killing her
- Hughie Campbell - high intelligence (former megafan of superheroes, who started to hate them after one of The Seven accidentally masticated his girlfriend/almost-fiance Robin ... he's called "Wee Hughie" or "Petit Hughie")
- The Female of the Species (Kumiko? Kimiko! Ms. Miyashiro) - silent-but-deadly killing machine
- Frenchie (The Frenchman ... - engineering, chemistry & criminal-connections
- Mother's Milk (Marvin T. Milk, in the Amazon-version; who got the nickname by being the Purest (Most-Goodhearted) member) - former Big Black Superhero-Hunter (whom Billy drags back into 'service'); Patient, Methodical (resulting in some Obsessive-Compulsive behavior)
- His Wife
- His Daughter
- Lieutenant Colonel Greg T. Mallory - former leader of The Boys (role fulfilled by Colonel Grace Mallory in the Amazon-version); was part of the original group of Compound V test-subjects, and formed 'The Boys' to liquidate "the resulting Supes that went rogue"
- The Legend - not an 'official' member of The Boys, he's their informant from within Vought (kinda like Starlight); he's the comic-book writer who essentially 'writes' The Seven (planning their feats, maybe learning their weaknesses)
- The American Government - a sort of 'damsel in distress' being fought-over between America's military industry & Vought-American's superhumans
- Kessler (whom Butcher calls "Monkey," most-likely because of some incident involving green monkeys in a whorehouse a while back) - a CIA agent whom Butcher uses as an information-source
- Susan L. Rayner ('Susan Raynor' in the Amazon-series), Director of the CIA - another info-source for Butcher, with whom he has a 'love/hate relationship' (i.e. they hate each other, but they regularly have sex)
- President Robert "Dakota Bob" Schaefer
- Victor K. "Vic the Veep" Neuman
- Vought-American Consolidated (VAC ... Vought International in the Amazon-series,there founded by Frederick Vought who developed Compound V for the Nazis before defecting to America)
- Mr. Stan Edgar - CEO of Vought, who was going to have Madelyn replace him (in his future-retirement) before he had to put Ashley in line to replace him (after Madelyn's demise)
- Madelyn Stillwell - Single Mother who uses her motherly ways to manipulate Homelander in order to rise within Vought to provide for her son and, managing to keep the son safe although Homelander kills her
- Ashley Barrett - the executive (only in the Amazon-series) who took-over Ms. Stillwell's job when Homelander eliminated her.
- A lot of the characters (yes, some of the characters above; but mostly starting with the corporate officers and a bunch of the "superheroes" below) haven't been introduced in the series yet.
I think I'm going to stick to 'the series (thus far)-ones here ... If you want to see 'characters from the whole comic-book series, I'll link it here. - "Superheroes" (and I 'say' quote-unquote, because they're all 'modified' and not "born" enhanced)
- The Seven
- A-Train (Reggie Franklin) - their 'Flash' (promoted from the Teenage Kix to replace The Seven's other 'Flash' Mister Marathon), his Super-Speed pushes him to take enough Compound V for The Boys to figure out that The Supes aren't exactly 'born Super'
Notably; although Hughie would be justified in exacting revenge on A-Train, Hughie rises above it and actually saves A-Train from a drug-induced death! - Popclaw - a former member of The Seven, with whom A-Train stays in a relationship after she gets kicked out for using drugs or something.
- Starlight (Annie January) - Manipulates (& Creates) Light, basic Martial Arts skills, slightly Invulnerable, genuine Desire to Help & -to Do Good Deeds, super-Hearing ... originally a member of the Young Americans, and a very conservative Christian
- The Deep (Kevin) - their 'Aquaman,' he Manipulates Water, Communicates with Fish, and "is at home in the water" (has Gills & Swims well) - when he's 'kicked off The Seven' (or maybe just 'sent to "the sticks" and not given any high-profile cases'), he joins a cult (The Collective) which the show aims to use in turning the "drinking the Kool-Aid"-trope into 'Drinking the Fresca'
- Homelander - their 'Superman'; The Seven's most-powerful with Flight, Invulnerability, Super Strength, X-Ray Vision & Heat Rays & enhanced Vocal Cords & extreme Megalomania—and Compound V slows down aging in most of the Supes ... Vought says he's an alien (like Superman), but he's really a mutation formed by Compound V.
- Queen Maeve (Maggie Shaw) - their 'Wonder Woman' named after Scottish Queen MeÐ (Medb?), with Super Strength, Invulnerability & Excellent Fighting Skills
- Translucent - Impenetrable, Camouflage Skin (making him Invisible, and leading to 'issues with Personal Boundaries')
- Black Noir - Reclusive, Quiet, Mysterious, Masked member of The Seven with no clear powers aside from some Martial Arts skills (with a Katana ... and maybe more, like super-duper Strength & Piloting ability—plus more that I think I'll wait until the series reveals ot to confirm)
- Lamplighter - the member replaced by Starlight, it seems he was powered by a torch that gave him the ability to fly & emit destructive light & energy.
- Mesmer - another former member who helps The Boys find out some of Vought's secrets.
- Young Americans
- Fantastico
- Teenage Kix
- Payback
- Stormfront - superhuman strength, durability, flight, 'lightning breath' (like breathing fire)—becoming a member of The Seven when Translucent was killed, with a rumor that she's actually a reincarnation of the original Seven (a character not yet "introduced") ...
tied to the idea that her genes were actually used to create Homelander & Black Noir - G-Men
- Paralytic
- Team Titanic
- Maverikz
- the other characters
- Hughie's Dad (Hugh Campbell Sr., played by Simon Pegg, who was the inspiration for Hughie Campbell's appearance in the comic-book; and from whom Hughie inherited his Cowardliness)
- Robin Ward (Hughie's girlfriend, whom A-Train mindlessly (avoidably, but not pre-meditatively) kills)
- Becky Saunders (Becca Butcher in the series) - the only one who's able to 'soothe the savage beast' in Billy
- Ryan Butcher - the son of Homelander & Becky
... I got that list from a SCREENRANT-page written back before they even knew when Season 2 was coming out! (3 episodes came out September 4, 2020, with one-or-so coming out every Friday now), and added to it from the Wikipedia page I linked-to above.
... yeah ... you can see where I use a different font to
indicate what I found out from Wikipedia; but a lot
of the new information is talking about facts from
the original comic-books ...
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