The #Creator Archetype (according to #individalogistDotCom) | #Create #Created #Creating #Creates #Creation #Creative #GodCreated #Recreated

This comes up as one of the archetypes I list in a blog-post accessed through 'the bold hyperlink(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word |Create| is built on ancient words that mean "to Make, Bring Forth, Produce, Beget, Cause" (#Ceres (Roman Goddess of Agriculture) with a name rooted in 'Grow', and who is equivalent to the Greeks' |Demeter), Arise, Be Born, Increase).

Follow describes the (possibly your) Creator archetype:


The Creator archetype associates itself with being completely and entirely original. Their greatest pride lies in their ability to be creative when it comes to everyday life and achieving the goals that they've set for themselves. Creator's are constantly paving ways for others to follow.


The Creator archetype refuses to be part of the norm and is always on the look out for opportunities to showcase its own way of doing things. Creators have the tendency of forming strong ideas that are both sustainable and beyond the expectations of ordinary folk.

In order to achieve that, the Creator archetype also often displays traits of perfectionism and obsessiveness. They absolutely detest shoddy work and put their best into everything that they do, regardless of their circumstances. When a Creator finds his or her calling or the skill that they fall in love with, they go all out to develop it further and turn themselves into experts in their fields.

  • Creators live to express themselves creatively and in the way they want to
  • Creators are not particularly receptive to conflicting opinions
  • Creators adore working with their hands and avoid theoretical applications
  • Creators are often introverted and find the most peace when they keep to themselves
  • Creators feel the most fulfillment when they create things out of nothing
  • Creators absolutely despise repetition and will do anything that they can to avoid it, even if it's taking a different route to work or school

Mark Of A Creator

"Anything that can be envisioned can be made." This is the mantra of the Creator, a Jungian archetype motivated by the desire to see dreams come true while also giving the world structure. The gods and goddesses are the great architects: artists, scientists, and divinities. Their minds are always pondering, tinkering, and exploring new hypotheses. Their trademark is creativity.

The Creator also referred to as the artist, innovator, inventor, architect, composer, artist, and visionary, is only concerned with exploring the limits of our reality and perspective. They frequently play the role of a well-intentioned scientist or a brilliant artist as a character.

Furthermore, the Creator has an endless supply of creativity and excels at their chosen career. When he appears as a human character in a reality-based universe, he is frequently shown as a trailblazer.

Additionally, the Creator's greatest fear is inadequacy. It makes no difference if this result is the consequence of a good idea or a good execution. In a world of white noise, the creator strives to be an authentic voice. They readily attract competition by responding to obstacles with creativity in their work and a positive attitude.

The Creator, on the other hand, has plenty of Shadows. They might be stressed by other people because of their insensitivity. These people are prone to starting numerous projects but finishing nothing, or discarding morality just for their skill. Due to their brilliance, the Creator frequently assumes the role of god, enabling the end to justify the means and choose what is best for the people without considering anyone else.


One of the most obvious weaknesses of a typical Creator lies in his or her strengths. A Creator archetype's perfectionism can lead to spending an excessive amount of time on a single task as they refuse to move on until they get it right. While that might seem like a positive attribute at first glance, it can also be deemed to be inefficient at times.

Creators are also petrified of being mediocre in any way possible. They enjoy standing out in the way that they do things and the way that people perceive them. For that reason, Creator archetypes often dress themselves in loud clothing or have an explosive sense of style. The weakness in this case is that Creators can't help but feel an immense amount of discouragement if they were to produce something they deem to be mediocre, and beat themselves up about it afterwards.


Creator societies are known for cultivating creativity, ambition, and brilliance. They have a reputation among their peers for producing high-quality, visually appealing products or services. Their works stand out from the rest because they are artistically accurate and intricate.

Should you enter into a Creator organization, you'd find dozens of notebooks filled with hundreds of ideas to keep for later. You'll also see brainstorming sessions that include sketching, performing, molding clay, and a whole slew of pencils. Creator societies are devoted to assisting others in learning to express themselves.


Isn't it true that we've all developed some personality peculiarities that we've learned to live with? The archetypes, too, have their own set of traits. The "dark aspects" of an organization's archetypal pattern assist us in anticipating what might go wrong or frustrate us. Perfectionism, for example, can encompass and impede Creator archetypes who are overly preoccupied with details.

They could get lost in their daydreams and come up with ideas that aren't the best for the consumer. And, more than likely, every Creator will regretfully admit to liking to start a new endeavor before completing the last one.


The Creator archetype needs to overcome the fear of being unoriginal, mediocre, and perfectionist. It's important for them to understand that every idea thinkable was the product of another idea. In that sense, as much as the Creator refuses to admit it, nothing is ever completely original. It's all a product of our environment, our influences, and our experiences, much of which would not exist without someone else's idea.

Concerning yourself over producing perfect work every single time can also be an unhealthy obsession. It's important for Creators to understand that failure is a necessary part of the learning process. Ultimately, it's only through failure where we learn to succeed.


Because of the high calibre of expertise that often lies within the Creator archetype, accompanied by their unique perspectives and ability to perceive problems differently from others, Creators are easily one of the most sought after talents across various industries.

However, despite their talents, Creators are also often insufficiently rewarded for their efforts. If a Creator archetype truly wanted to achieve monetary wealth, he or she would need to delve into riskier projects such as embracing their entrepreneurial spirits. Financial management is also important for Creators if they want to achieve their financial goals in the long-term.


Creator's are often physically well, however, they might some times overlook or neglect their emotional beings. Being expressive of oneself doesn't necessarily equate to being intact with one's emotions. For that reason, Creators must actively seek opportunities to listen to their feelings.

It helps to talk to a close friend or a loved one about things that are burdening you instead of expressing it through a medium. Some times, confronting the problem directly might yield positive results that you wouldn't expect.


As eccentric as the Creator archetype might seem, falling in love with a Creator just might be the most rewarding experience ever for most archetypes. However, not everyone is able to handle their constant need for exploration. Creators rarely find difficulty when it comes to finding a partner, and it helps that they do give their best into everything that they do, including their relationships.

One potential issue worth mentioning is that the Creator archetype is not always receptive to the opinions of others, which is why it's important for Creators to open their ears and truly listen to their partners. Love is all about communication, and you'll need to play a part in that equation.



Most marketing, technology, or design firms will find The Creator a perfect match. The Creator archetype is typically associated with any brand that strives to build something new from nothing or from something outdated. Crayola, Sony, Pinterest, and YouTube are among the brands that have been designated as Creators.

A Creator brand's marketing is often exceedingly aesthetic and tends to be works of art in and of themselves. Product-focused brands frequently portray their product as a work of art in order to elicit feelings of amazement and creative appreciation. Furthermore, a Creator brand's internal culture places high importance on innovation and creativity.

Regardless of how formal or flexible the Creator brand's organizational structure is, it always supports creativity and innovation. Teamwork and brainstorming meetings are common forms of collaboration among Creators. Whereas these meetings are based on collaboration, they also encourage individual autonomy and their ability to develop on their own.


Level 1:

They haven't broken through to the realm of true innovation because their creativity tends to imitate that of others.

Level 2:

Instead of relying on the creativity of others to mold their own, they begin to generate new ideas and start implementing them.

Level 3

At the highest possible level, Creators encourage authentic creativity and expression. This is the stage at which people produce something that will last and have an influence on humanity.

Caregiver's brand

Customers have a variety of options when it comes to self-expression thanks to the brands. These people encourage creativity and are designed in an artistic manner. They work hard to set themselves apart from brands that leave room for the creative mind.

Consumers may express themselves through their products and services. Their companies have a culture of innovation. They assist in the creation and development of their customers' imaginations. These people place a significant priority on the artistic process as well as the end result of their work. Their marketing methods are artistic and attractive. Technology, design, and marketing are all natural fits for them.


Many marketing, design, and technology companies are natural fits for the Creator archetype. However, any brand that deconstructs existing systems or processes and replaces them with something new is exhibiting the Creator archetype.

This is where organizational consultants come in handy. The Creator archetype is exemplified by brands that focus on self-expression in any form. Crayola, Good Housekeeping magazine, Sony, YouTube, and Pinterest are just a few of the brands that have featured the Creator.

Creator brand marketing is frequently quite attractive and can appear to be pieces of art in and of itself. For merchandise firms, marketing may connect their products to high-end artwork in words or images in order to elicit similar sentiments of amazement and admiration.

A Creator brand's internal culture is centered on quality and innovation. Both the creative process and the end result are highly valued. A Creator brand's organizational structure, whether unstructured or structured, is always cooperative. While teamwork and brainstorming sessions are important, employees must also have autonomy and the opportunity to create.

Although the pricing for a Creator brand's offerings may be midrange to high, the end result is frequently centered on aesthetics or long-term worth equally as much as revenue.
