The word |Mirror| is built on ancient words that mean "to Wonder at, #Admire (see Miracle)."
('Wonder' & 'Miracle' find root in ... that sound that people make when something humorous catches them off guard.)
|Admire| is built on the same foundation (through words that mean-"To, with Regard to (see Ad-)" & -"Wonderful (see Smile)."
- Francois's History
- Maybe Mike has a 'history' too ... probably not anything like Francois's, but ... balancing the scales ...
- John 1:12 (though Mike labeled it "John 121")
- John 1:13 (labeled "John 131")
- John 3:3
- John 3:7
- John 3:18
- 1st John 3:9 (labeled "John 3 9")
- 1st John 3:10 (labeled "John 3 10")
- translation of Hamartia - from Hamartano ... Mike here mentions how δύναμις (dunamis) is the root of the word Dynamite, it has NONE of the destructive-, explosive meaning attached to the word today! (the original word means something more like 'Power to Work Miracles')
- misuse of Etymology - "Linguistic Gnosticism" (as I think I mentioned above (asking forgiveness for my apparent misuse of))
- "Strongs" (referring to "STRONG'S BIBLE CONCORDANCE(s)," books that essentially list 'all the original words used in The Bible (and all the ways they're translated))
- "John 1:18" (or is it First John 1:18?)
-'s Statement of Faith
- "Philippi" - passage(s) in Philippians
- Du Toit's 'invented' term "'I Am'-ness" (labeled "I amness")
- Luke 4:18
- John 17:7
- John 17:8
- Du Toit's blabbing, "We Are in Him" ...
- misconception of The Trinity (rather than the standard "three in one" triangle (with The Father Yahweh, The Son Jesus Christ & The Holy Spirit (Ruach?)), Du Toit gives us the concentric circles ... with The Holy Spirit held within Humanity held within Christ held within Our Father)
My philosophy in doing the Mirror Bible is reflected in the following example:
I do not read music, but have often witnessed our son, Stefan, approach a new piece on the piano.
His eyes see so much more than mere marks scribbled on a page;
he hears the music.
His trained mind engages even the subtleties and the nuances of the original composition, and is able to repeat the authentic sound,
knowing that the destiny of the music would never be reduced to the page;
but is always in the next moment,
where the same intended beauty is heard
and repeated again!
The best translation would always be the incarnation!
I so value the enormity of the revelation of the incarnation.
Yet, before flesh, the Word was προς {pros: advantageous for, at (denotes local proximity), toward (denotes motion toward a place)}
face to face with God!
And fragile text
scribbled thru the ages in memoirs of stone, parchment and papyrus pages -
carrying eternity in thought
and continues to translate faith
to faith!
Now we have the same spirit of faith as he encountered when he wrote...
"I believe
and so I speak!"
Conversation ignites!
"Did not our hearts burn within our being when He spoke familiar text of ancient times, in the voices of Moses and the prophets and David and Abraham,
who saw his day
and announced its dawn in our hearts!
The mystery that was hidden for ages and generations
is now revealed!
In dealing daily with ancient text,
rediscovering thoughts buried in time, I am often overwhelmed and awed at the magnificence of eternity captured in little time capsules,
opening vistas of beauty beyond our imagination- face to face with the same face to faceness of the Logos
and God
and us - conceived in their dream!
And irresistibly intrigued by the invitation to come and drink -
to taste and see -
from the source -
and to hear a saint reminiscing and reminding himself of the utterance of another earth dweller-brother, David, who wrote a song 1000 years ago,
"Return to your rest, oh my soul!
For the Lord has dealt bountifully with you!
I believe and so I speak!"
And with fresh wounds bleeding from the many angry blows he was dealt with, Paul echoes,
"We have the same spirit of faith as he had who wrote, 'I believe and so I speak!' We too believe and so we speak!"
Let's celebrate the "sameness" of Jesus
yesterday - yes, as far as history and beyond time can go -
and today! This very finite, fragile moment -
plus, the infinite future!
Inexhaustible, beyond boundaries and the confines of space and time!
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My New Mantra (one of several) - Nothing is forever except Change (BUddhA) |
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