The Question that Professor #DerekMuller @Veritasium makes Me Wonder (about #ElectricEnergy) | #Regard #Regardless #Regards #SelfRegard #Disregard #Regarding

(I don't know if Derek's 'a teacher at a University,' but
 his YouTube channel definitely 'professes' many understandings
 that bring peace-of-mind to his studious audience!)

I ask in a forum linked through 'that word' below (a forum where I've also linked to The Professor's video ... a video I might also embed below the subscribe-bar); you can MAKE MONEY if you contribute to the answer at that forum, but first I want to teach you about that word. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word "Energy" is supported by many ancient words, including (deep in its supporting foundation) ancient words that mean “Regard (\ #Regarded #InRegardTo (Chaucer words it #AtRegardOf).” That particular word is built on ancient words that mean "to Look-, |Heed- (Guard) Intensely (Re-)."


Some of that is a little complex for me, so maybe I'll 'get it through my head' by looking at some of the words he used (the same way Faith 'gets through Christians' heads' if they are consistent in their Bible-reading:
|Circuit, Switch, C (the |speedoflight), Resistance, |PowerPlant, |Battery, |AlternatingCurrent (AC), Charge, |Transformers, James Clark Maxwell & |Oscillation (Maxwell's Equations), John Henry Poynting & Energy |Flux (the Poynting Vector (S)), Cross-Product of Perpendicular |Magnitudes & The Right-Hand Rule, 'Energy Flows when Electric- and Magnetic-Fields |Coincide,' Direct |Current (DC), Transmission, William Thomson (Lord |Kelvin), Heaviside (discoverer of The Heaviside Layer), |Fitzgerald, |Copper Wire, |Iron |Insulation (well, iron was meant as insulation; but it Conducted too well), Capacitance (Why Power Lines are Suspended at Great Height), |Voltage, |Impedance
