Thoughts put #Forth on the Incessant Counter-Proclamation of @PauLogia0 (a #FormerChristianLookingAtTheClaimsOfCurrentChristians) | #AndSoForth #Forthcoming #Forthright #Forthwith

Watching a few videos of Paulogia (he's opting not to put his full name on his YouTube About-page; you can probably find it if you really want to, but that's not what I'm blogging about), it gets kind of repetitive ... some popular preacher will put out a massive broadcast claiming another "truth of God's existence," and he'll react to it with proof that 'they're wrong about it' or that 'their sources are based in rumor.'

So I opened one more of his videos, but just to say (in a comment I posted to the video) ...
I'm not watching this video ... not even long enough to give it a 'thumbs down.' Or maybe I will; but only after I make this statement, close this window, and maybe come back to it at some undetermined time in the future.

I just opened this video to see ... Wuzzah! (or whatever people mean when they say "My God!") nEARLY 17,000 views? Why do people CONTINUE to tune in to these? Are they worried that you'll suddenly become a Christian again? ...

I guess I just want to say that it's a very bad title. Maybe you should've titled it 'Paulogia vs. Pastor Pack: Round "2" (or whatever number you're on).' Then ... I STILL wouldn't have watched it, but for the same reason I don't watch any sports---no, a slightly different reason; it's the same in that 'one team wins in the same way the winning team ALWAYS wins, but different in that--on YouTube--THE WINNER IS ALWAYS YOU--no unpredictability.

Nothing "wrong" with that, except I don't feel like you 'deserve' them. Maybe you do--you might say "I have FAITH that you deserve the audience"--but ... maybe that's why ancient celebrities made up The Father God idea; because--if you're a child of God--then OF COURSE you deserve the full attention of everyone who might watch your content!
You can see how 'purpose'-less his videos get at the page of videos linked through 'that word' below; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The word “Forth” (& #Henceforth #Thenceforth ... the meaning of part of the supporting-structure beneath "Purpose") is built on ancient words that mean Forward.


A reply to my comment proposed that the vlogger was "continuously exposing liars so their lies don't cripple the next generation." That's very much like Catholics who--more than just 'apologizing to all the offended parties and privately reforming their behavior'--go through the ritual of 'listing their most-recent sins to a priest in a confession-booth and doing the repentance-task there prescribed (usually reciting The "Hail Mary" a certain number-of-times)' before they feel "forgiven."

(That's one of the many reasons theologian Bart Ehrman feels strongly that Catholicism
--tho it's regarded by many as "the original Christianity"--has become "so dependent on
the 'Church'-structure" as to be considered non-Christian!)

So I guess you could call Paulogia 'a Priest in the Religion of Atheism' 🤨😏
