#Stormfront (@RealStormfront) ... #AKA-- ... Her Former Names (#TheBoys SPOILERS! @TheBoysTV @PrimeVideo)
'That name, the initialism ... and her other names, which would be a bit of a SPOILER if I kept them in the top "scroll" of this entry' (all below-hyperlinked to a discussion on the epic poetry of The Boys) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...
The name |Stormfront| is from the word---referring to either "a Weather-Front associated with #Storms (the only meaning my innocent ears heard ...)" or (...information that came up when I searched for 'the definition of stormfront') "a White-Nationalist, -|Supremacist, Anti|semitic, Holocaust-Denialist and Neo-Nazi Internet-Forum (the Web's First Race-Hate Site)" (and the word is made by joining the word #Storm with the word Front).
The word |Storm| is built on ancient words that mean "to Turn, Whirl" (related to |Onset, |Tumult, |Fight).
#Stormy #StormTrooper #SturmUndDrang #Thunderstorm #Windstorm #Snowstorm #Hailstorm #Rainstorm #Windstorm #Brainstorm #Barnstorm
Funny; '|Storm|' isn't one of the 'types of Fronts' mentioned on Wikipedia's "Weather Fronts"-page (which mentions Cold-, Warm-, Occluded- & Stationary-fronts, along with Warm Sectors and Dry- & Squall Lines).
That's the latest name this supe took; in earlier times (the `50s?), she went by the name ...
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#Liberty! |
The word "Liberty" (Freedom of Choice, Freedom from the Bondage of Sin) is built on ancient words that mean Free (see Liberal).
... and that's the name she took on after she & her scientist-husband defected from the Nazi-nation, where their name (which the scientist managed to keep, tho 'Liberty' probably also kept it secretly) was ...
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#Vought |
The name "Vought" is built on the Latin vocatus or advocatus (one who appears in court on another's |Behalf ... an |Advocate?)---an ancient name for a family of |Bailiffs or |Estate-|Managers.
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