might not think it's a Sustainable Business Model, but--as long as #NeoBux is #ShellingOut the #Neo #Bucks--...

What I show here is 'the group of words' that couch "that phrase" and -"the words that name is based on" (below hyperlinked to your opportunity to start earning your share of the ad-clicking/game-playing/survey-taking) into your vocabulary ... deeper meanings that 'firm the foundations' upon which our lexicon stands ...

The name “NeoBux” seems to be built from the prefix Neo- & a misspelling of the word Bucks (I can't find anything verifying that, but I'll keep looking & edit this if I need to). 
The prefix "Neo-" is built on ancient words that mean New, Young, |Youthful, Fresh, |Strange, Lately, Just Now
The word- and nickname "Buck" is built on ancient words that mean |Male |Deer, -|Lamb or -|Goat (the American Cash is so-called because the #Buckskin was allegedly the currency used for trade between Native Americans & early European settlers ... #Buck is also a word for the Saw|horse (a |Trestle---two X-shaped ends joined by a bar) and -is the verb for 'Making an Arch-Backed Leaping & Jumping to |Throw Off a |Rider ... 
(also slang for a Fashionable Man, a Native American or Negro, or a Low-Ranking |Soldier (i.e. #BuckPrivate). The nickname might also be--like the nickname #Bucky--short for the middle- or last-name |Buchanan or |Buckminster).
The phrase "Shelling Out" is probably an analogy between 'Removing Money from Your Pocket' & 'Removing Beans, Seeds, |Nuts etc. from their Shells' (also used in Medicine referring to the Surgical Removal of Growths ... it's said that #Shill is probably just a misspelling of "Shell").

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