Watching @LeahRemini's destruction of @Scientology, it strikes me how they share at least 1 trait with #RomanCatholicism: "Rope `em In #Young!" | @AETV @CheatSheet | #Youngster

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from Proud Australian Suzi Hands
'That word' (below-hyperlinked to my post on 'Leah's struggle against the CSI-administrators') is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Young #Younger #Youngest #Youngling” is built on words that mean Vital Force, Youthful |Vigor.

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The first episode I saw of SCIENTOLOGY & THE AFTERMATH was actually the first episode of the third season ... not that 'the wrongs done to that episode's star(s)' are somehow excusable if I haven't watched 'two seasons of the administrators' wrongdoing' beforehand; just that---

well, now that I know 'how Leah was wronged' (not necessarily "everything that happened," but rather--going back and watching the first episode of the first season--I see that 'she personally' did "a lot of things for them" for which she's using the A&E-series as a kind of 'penance.'

(...Oh! No, she didn't do any of the 'gratuitous abuse' you hear rumors-about! (or did she? ... probably not, but you better watch the series & make sure!) but what she did do is 'proudly announce the Great Goodness of Scientology from her nation-/world-wide platform'---a Great Goodness that they do not faithfully maintain.)

Leah was wronged when-- ... she doesn't say whether or not they actually did anything to her---at least not in that episode. No; what she says is that--when she noticed some things about fellow humans and expressed curiosity (as humans are wont to do)--she was told (and I feel like I have to say that these words are 'just a paraphrase of my recollection of her story') that she had no right to ask such things, as those fellow humans are higher-ranking members of the Church!

That's when she started investigating the Church she had faithfully promoted as 'the solution to all the Earth's problems,' and found that (tho I can't recall her saying anything bad about 'the religion's principles') it is being led by 'people who forget that they are inescapably Human.'

It reminds me of the reason many people leave The Christian Church as they surpass the age-of-reason---they can't justify 'the fact that a lot of bad things happen as the result of automatic reactions to conscious actions' with 'the idea that a deity decides to MAKE all those automatic reactions happen.'

When you're young, you accept that grown-ups have to do things you don't understand in order to make 'the things you do understand' happen.

Know anything else interesting about that? Comment!
