@Scientology #Versus @LeahRemini (& Truth? & Christianity? & Buddhism? Judaism? Hinduism? Satanism? etc.) | @AETV @NickiSwift | #Vs

I'll discuss 'the battle in the series (linked-to through "that word" below) beneath the Subscribe-bar, but first ...

I want you to see 'the group of words' that give "that word" a place to connect to your vocabulary ... deeper sources that firm the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Versus” is built on ancient words that mean "to |Wind, |Turn, |Bend" (also related - #Averse ... occasionally abbreviated "V," but I don't know if I'm ready to 'do' "the letter 'V'" yet).

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I'm watching Leah Remini's A&E series Scientology & the Aftermath on NETFLIX .

And I've only seen one episode, but I'm already 'in until the finish' ... probably on Leah's team, but ... I'm guessing I need to see 'how the whole thing started' (maybe to see how David Miscavidge got turned into an abusive wife-loser, etc.')

See, it started out with L. Ron Hubbard (no relation ... really! I hear my grandfather was adopted by the Hubbard family 😑) ... but that gets me 'off-topic'---I'm thinking I'd have liked Scientology (if it stayed true to its founding ideals), but I think Leah & others are informing us that they don't ... maybe that--as stricken by The Human Condition--they can't.

Although ... a basic truth from DIANETICS: THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH is that The |Reactive Mind takes over (overpowering The |Analytical Mind) in situations where the brain has to deal with Trauma ...

in |Panic?---the same way all the 'leaving' ex-members say they were driven to "lie" their way through  exit-interviews (so that their lawyers could present the signed interviews as "evidence against accusations" the ex-'Engrammatics' (Scientology's version of Christianity's 'sinners in reconciliation') made when they weren't under duress to claim that the ministers were innocent).

The 'Engrammatics' Reactive Minds prioritized "getting outta that 'Church'" over "being honest." That statement is not to say 'their accusations are true or false,' just that 'what you have to say to get things the way you want it' isn't necessarily 'what everyone else witnessed.'

For instance: "The Hole," an alleged location where misbehaving Engrammatics spent time 'doing penance.' Aside from that 'comparison to Catholicism' (in Catholic Reconciliation, where--after making Confession(s) in the Confession-Booth--the minister would assign a 'penance'-task (usually a number of repeated recitations of the "Hail Mary"-prayer)), it reminds me of a behavioral practice many people grew-up with---the "time out" (a.k.a. "go to your room").

(The tales they tell of 'The Hole' relate tasks a little harsher than 'sitting far away from your toys until mommy-&-daddy feel you've cooled down,' but ...)
