#Man #Men #Manly #Mankind #ManAmongMen #SonOfMan #MensRoom #MensHealth #Woman #Human #Women

The word "Man" is built on "Mensch" (Person of Strength & Honor), and it's sometimes connected to "to Think" (one who has |Intelligence/|Intellect); but I ...

I think it's just 'an abbreviation of #Human'—a portmanteau of 'the ancient word for "|Clay, |Mud, |Ground"' & 'the suffix -an (as in "American" or "Oklahoman").'

Not to say Women (from "|With |man (Wife)") aren't 'Human'—actually, they're 'extra-human!' (More Human than Human? Super-human?) According to Christians' testimony, women are 'a remodeled version of human' (as Eve was allegedly 'cloned' from a part of Adam).

But I also hear that (doctors say) every human is primarily a female—that maleness is a later stage in fetal development! Maybe that's a good reason to try to convince The Vatican (and/or 'all the Bible-publishing authorities') that they should change Genesis to 'a story that children can find out is actually a metaphor for fetal-development'; yeah?
