Is it Better to be #Rejected-because people #Hate You or -because you're #Loved-but-Inconvenient? | #Reject #Hated #Love #include #Rejecting #Hating #Loving #including
That's the summary of a discussion-starter I hyperlink to through 'The Word's below (a discussion you can MAKE MONEY with a response-to); but first I want to know more about 'The Word's, and I find you understand words a lot better when you examine the words their based-on (when you see that those words are based on other words, and those words are based-on ... etc.-etc.)
And I know I've studied most/all of these words elsewhere in this blog,
but I felt it would be good to have all of them (both pairs, at the moment)
on one post.
The word "Rejected (\ #Rejection)" is based on ancient words that mean "to Throw (Impel) Back."
The word โHate (\ #Hater #Hateful #HateCrime #HateMail #HateSpeech #LoveHate (Love/Hate))โ is built on words that mean โSorrowโ (Grief, Calamity, Care, Trouble, Pain, Anger).
The word "Love (\ #LoveApple #LoveBird #LoveChild #LoveKnot #Lover #FallInLove #BeInLoveWith #MakeLove #LoveAffair #LoveLife #LoveBeads #LoveBug #LoveHandles #LoveEmAndLeaveEm #Beloved #Lovable #Unloved #LadyLove #Loveless #LoveLetter #LoveLonging #LoveLorn #Lovely #LoveMaking #LoveScene)" is based on ancient words that mean "to Care, Desire" (also supporting words that mean Joy, Praise, Dear).
I know the opposite of 'Rejected' is "Accepted," but
I'm not just looking for them to 'Accept' me ... the
truth is, I am "unacceptable" until 'the party I was
rejected-by' #Includes me as one of their party!
The word "Include (\ #Included #Inclusive #Inclusion)" is based on ancient words that mean "to Shut (Close) In."
And--in case the discussion linked above is deemed 'too hateful for myLot'--
Is it Better to feel Rejected-because people Hate You or -because you're Loved-but-Too-Inconvenient?That second one is what I'm feeling now.I don't think I'd like the first one either. I mean, it might start out as being "better that way" as I wouldn't EXPECT people to do me favors (mostly 'give me rides to places' ... which they often would before COVID-19).And you'd think I'd be used to my 'loved-but-too-inconvenient' status (as my injury was over-26 years ago), but a) that was back when I was so young that OF-COURSE I was 'loved-but-too-inconvenient' (like ALL children are ... the reason why the childless are so happy & free ๐);and b) I spent 10-20 years living within-walking-distance to The Fun (church, a few restaurants, etc.), so I didn't notice all the people not taking me places ...What makes me feel it? The Retreats that therapists/physicians call Brain-Injury Camps ...'t get me wrong; they're GREAT excursions, where we can spend a little time away from our everyday routines! But ... I guess I never expected MY 'everyday routine' (moderate reclusion ... not 'locked away in a house out in the middle of nowhere,' but rather 'hardly ever going out'---even before COVID-19's quarantines!)I expected MY everyday routine to be 'being taken along (by one of the med-students or therapists or physicians I met at one of the Camps, most likely ๐) & helping them have fun!'But no, these medical people don't want to change their lives the way that many of the survivors' caregivers did when we (survivors) suffered our injuries; they just want to 'keep us quiet' for their 9-to-5 and then go hang out with the rest of the abled population.(That's why it kinda 'disappointed' me when I found out that--although I think they do have to pay for their airfare-&-lodging-&-food--a lot of the medical staff GET PAID to be there!)Back to my original question: would it be better to be 'just ignored because you're too dependent to be any fun,' or to be 'rejected out-loud (probably with some name-calling in there to confirm what kind of monster they think you are)'?
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