The pain I want to honor—it's not 'pain that only Chris D`Elia suffered, that no one else ever suffers'; I think it's pain that every comedian suffers (like every professional musician, -actor, -writer ... generally any performing-artist who forsakes public opinion in order to commit to their art) ... the pain of "bombing."
I guess it seems important to honor that pain; because a) it's sort of how they "earn" their fame (being hired to perform at a venue, being heckled &/or hated by the venue's audience, with only the paltry paycheck to comfort the wound; and willingly doing it again-and-again), and b) it's pain I'll never be allowed to fully experience (I am currently so sheltered that–unless 'I' sign a contract (well, 'my legal guardian' signs a contract) for a substantial payoff–a single 'bombing' would end my career!)
But that pain seems especially important to remember for Chris after 'his latest special' (or 'the latest special I saw'), because he tells us that–as opposed to most comedians, who've gone through 'their parents' divorce' and -'all sorts of trauma-garbage experiences that they've worked into comedy-jewels'–he hasn't suffered one ounce of pain.
I'm tempted to pity him for that—the poor soul, unable to feel any pain, and forced to use that 'lack of sensitivity' to "push the envelope" further & further beyond the point of people's forgiveness ...

'Pain' (below-hyperlinked to the NETFLIX-special where he talks about 'his lack' in a way-way-funnier way) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...
Know anything else interesting about that? Comment!
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