@AndrewMarkHenry (of #ReligionForBreakfast) explains Judaism's #YomKippur | @BibleHub_

Dr. Henry explains Yom Kippur in a video linked through 'those words' below; but first I want to understand those words better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

Yom Kippur is Mishnaic Hebrew for the Jewish  "Day (#Yom) of Atonement/Expiation (#Kippur)" (in Biblical Hebrew, it's #YomKippurim).

The word “Atonement (| #Atone #Atonable #Atoned #Atoning #Atones)” really is built on a contraction of At & One! (an ancient, obsolete-outside-of-religion/romance sense of Reconciliation). 
The word “Expiation (| #Expiate #Expiated #Expiating #Expiates #Expiatory #Inexpiable)” is built on ancient words that mean Completely |Propitiate, -|Appease (Faithful, Loyal, Devout (|Pious)).


I'm annoyed by Yom Kippur, because (though it does help us 'put the Jewish holy-days "beyond the reach" of the "common" (Solar Calendar) holidays') it's scheduled for "the tenth day of the seventh month (Tishrei in the Lunisolar Calendar)"---the upshot being that one's birthday doesn't regularly fall on such a holy day ... if I say someone's birthday is on Yom Kippur, I can only mean it for one-or-two years in a century!
