@Bing's #WordOfTheDay #Daily - #toDay #DayInDayOut #AllDayLong #DayAndNight #NightAndDay #Days #DaysWithoutEnd #TheEndOfDays #Day

Bing Rewards gave me a link to Microsoft's "Word of the Day." I don't think I'll list another one of these words everyday (like I tried to do with 'a Birthday every day,' but haven't gotten back to since ...), but 'that word' linked below will be a good source for new words to do if no new ones come to mind
The word "Day" is built on one (or more) of many possibilities—maybe ... the period of time when the Sun Shines, maybe ... the full time-period between one |Sunset & the next (as days originally started at sunset ... making Wodnesniht the original name for what we now call 'Tuesday night'), maybe ... "to Burn" (like |Fever).
