It #Angers Me How Stupid You Are about Healthcare (as Stupid as Me, Almost) - #Angry #Anger

The plain stupidity–the one politicians dupe you into (although I'm sure they don't mean to lie to you ... they're probably stricken with 'the stupid' as well)–is that "being covered by health-insurance" equals "being healthy."

a little confession (that might make you write me off entirely—like I'm a werewolf extoling the virtues of walking alone in the woods at night): I don't deal with money. (I made a bad decision with money a while ago, and will probably never make enough right decisions to prove to 'the government lawyers-etc.' that I've learned the lesson there (mostly because the economy sometimes depends on the fact that we forget the lessons we've learned in the old world as we construct the new).)

'Dealing with money' is MOST OF what the politicians' "Free Healthcare for All"-campaign is about. The main thing I hear about it is Bernie Sanders' informing us that 'in Canada, your stay at the hospital (for a heart-procedure etc.) costs you "nothing" (or at-least "you won't be billed for it" or something).'

But that seems to tell 'only a little part of the story.' The rest of the story includes the idea that 'all our taxes' (maybe income-taxes, but I hear they're aiming to take most of it from 'wealth-taxes of the top 1%')—I hear the complaint, 'I don't want my money goin` to pay for their lip-plumping, boob-job, week at the day-spa!' (or maybe I remember something-like-that about people who don't want to pay for "other people's kids' education").

The main point that makes me angry though, is that people forget (and politicians encourage you to forget)—Health isn't something you buy.

I'm sure the reply that springs to your 'Health insurance'-paying mind is, "But they're not saying you buy 'Health'; it's 'HealthCare!'" 'Oh really?' my response is. 'And what is "healthcare" to you? 'Being examined by medical professionals to fix all the things that went wrong with your body, and then sending you on your way (to go home and make the terrible decisions that wrecked your body in the first place)?"

The politicians claim we have 'a right to healthcare' (I don't want to pin it all on The Democrats, but I haven't heard any Republicans make the claim), but I don't think you have a right to "wreck your body and make the American people pay to repair it!"

The 'healthcare' you have a right-to comes from "healthy choices." Americans are free to make unhealthy choices; but why should I pay to repair what you continue to destroy?

The idea that you believe I should pay for it—that makes me angry. That word—there might be something more to that word ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which the our lexicon stands ...

The word “Anger” is built on |Tight, Painfully |Constricted.

I'm angry with the same 'anger' I feel when people claim that they need "lotsa prayers" to get through some health- or relationship-difficulty ... I'm reminded of the Jewish temples that Jesus attended, where He saw the wealthy were highly praised for donating huge amounts (which were only 10% of their massive profits) while the poor were ignored (even though their 'paltry donations' were 50-to-100% of their resources).

I often answer those 'need lotsa prayers' posts, "No, and here's why ..." but I'm told that 'telling the truth like that' is "just mean." Maybe next time I see the 'need lotsa prayers'-post, I'll answer, "Maybe, to get help from 'lotsa gods.' I'm sure the highest God has already got you covered on this, and patience & obedience will bring his answer to you; but–if all the other prayers to all your other gods help you find his answer–go ahead & sing them out!"

You know something about that word-history that
 I don't mention (and that probably isn't mentioned
 below)? 'Fill us in on it'- or just tell me what you
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