@GabrielCoNY features September's Birthstone: The #Sapphire | @Quora @Wikipedia

'That word' (below-hyperlinked to Gabriel & Co.'s offer) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Sapphire” (name of the Second-Hardest Gemstone (only softer-than Diamond)) is probably built on ancient words that mean "material Sacred and/or Precious to the god |Saturn." 
#Sapphirric #Sapphirine
It's also mentioned in The Bible, tho both the Hebrew and the Greek might be misnaming a stone that's actually "Lapis Lazuli" (named with a word that the NAS Exhaustive Concordance says was "of foreign origin" to the Hebrews who originally wrote about its inclusion in the priests' ephod (and a gate of Jerusalem in Heaven), which some Versions actually call "Lapis Lazuli"; but the two minerals ARE NOT THE SAME!
(... or maybe they are the same 'material,' except the Jewelers work a little harder to bring the Sapphire-Gem out of the #LapisLazuli-Rock). 
The word "Lapis Lazuli" is built on ancient words that mean Stone (see |Lapideous) + |Azure (or Sky-Blue).

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I started this because Gabriel & Co. notified me that they made banners that featured the September-birthstone; I tried to use 'the code they gave me' to link to their Sapphire-selection, and ... Blogger (or probably the AdBlock-extension I'm using) wouldn't even let "that hyperlinked text" stay visible for me! (I typed "Sapphire," highlighted it, clicked the 'Link'-button, pasted the URL they gave me into the textbox, and it came back "Sapphire"! ...

(Now, maybe that last quotation-set has a word in it on your screen; but on mine, it's nothing but "" 😖)
