#FrequentComplaint: Why Do They Think #Heaven is 'Someplace Far Away'? @UploadOnPrime Shows Us Something Closer to 'Where It Actually Is' #Heavenly #Heavens #Heavenward @RandyAlcorn @LexBMeyer
When you die, your loved ones say you're in Heaven–just like my friends-&-family frequently 'post to the social-network' that they "miss" our friends-&-relatives who have 'passed away' ... that they've "gone to Heaven."
And that's what Heaven is—not "where you are," but 'where your friends-&-family know you are.' One of atheists' 'mantras' (tropes? clichès?) is that "when you die, then-you're rotting away or -you're cremated (burned to ashes)—you cease to exist."
Christians (and other Religion-Believers whose religions espouse 'a Heaven') know 'the truth of that'–as evidenced by all the Christian/Religious cemeteries–but they insist that their dead are 'gone to Heaven.'
That truth (that Heaven is more 'a mind-trick for the living' than 'a vacation-spot for the dead') is 'sorta repeated' by Amazon-Original UPLOAD—a series about ...

... a technology that the wealthy could use to keep their loved-ones and themselves in a virtual-reality where the still-living could 'visit' the passed-away.
That makes me want to remind people who post 'I miss my dead MeeMaw/Pap-paw/Auntie/Uncle/Mommy/Daddy/Sonny/Daughter ... -ie 😢' that "the Heaven they are in" is (like the mind-palace of the æther) in our brains!
That we can–if we concentrate (and/or -deeply meditate on our memories of them)–re-experience the good times we had with them, and possibly create new 'good times' (as I might do sometimes with my father who–tho I don't know if the man is "dead"–definitely "passed away" around the time he moved off to 'parts unknown';
(or–more-commonly–as many of my family members will do with our Granny Ruby—when we're playing a good card-game (like Uno, Skip-bo, Solitaire) or we find a huge discount at the store, we'll say "Granny Ruby musta been up in Heaven lookin` out for us!"
'Heaven' (below-hyperlinked to Randy Alcorn's comments on 'where Heaven is') is built on something deeper ... something that serves as part of the base of our entire lexicon ...
That makes me want to remind people who post 'I miss my dead MeeMaw/Pap-paw/Auntie/Uncle/Mommy/Daddy/Sonny/Daughter ... -ie 😢' that "the Heaven they are in" is (like the mind-palace of the æther) in our brains!
That we can–if we concentrate (and/or -deeply meditate on our memories of them)–re-experience the good times we had with them, and possibly create new 'good times' (as I might do sometimes with my father who–tho I don't know if the man is "dead"–definitely "passed away" around the time he moved off to 'parts unknown';
(or–more-commonly–as many of my family members will do with our Granny Ruby—when we're playing a good card-game (like Uno, Skip-bo, Solitaire) or we find a huge discount at the store, we'll say "Granny Ruby musta been up in Heaven lookin` out for us!"
'Heaven' (below-hyperlinked to Randy Alcorn's comments on 'where Heaven is') is built on something deeper ... something that serves as part of the base of our entire lexicon ...
The word “Heaven” is built on “Home of God, the |Visible Sky, Firmament”—with cornerstones like "a |Covering" (|Chemise) or "|Sharp Stones that make up the |Vault of the Heavenly Mountain."
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