#DemocratFightSong ... #LiberalFightSong ... Why Don't We Just Call It the #BlueFightSong? | @difference_101

... wow ...

When I heard that "Fight Song" (from/inspired-by the PITCH PERFECT movies) was the liberals/Democrats fight-song, I thought it was just 'the song about kids going through tough times & coming together to win'---inspiring, sure; but too campy to be "the fight-song of respectable American."

But then I saw 'this performance of it' (a 2016 video put together for The Democratic National Convention), and ... wow ... 'The True Meaning of Our American Duty' rose up in my heart!

The word #Blue is built on ancient words that mean “to Shine, Flash, Burn.”

like as  #BlueState #BlueWave #BluePolitics #Bluer #Bluest #Blu-en #BluRay 

To Keep Up on My 'Research,'

A lot of my followers-and-leaders on Twitter call themselves "Blue" (Politically, not 'Emotionally'). I wasn't sure if that meant 'Liberal' or 'Democrat'; so I asked, and the answer I got was ... "YES" (i.e. I asked 'who is more blue, liberals or democrats,' and the top answer I got was "... blue has been associated with the liberal Democratic Party since around the 2000 Presidential Election ...") 

There is a difference between a Liberal and a Democrat, but I think I need to read this more to clarify it. They say Democrats are 'members of that political party,' but it says that they want LESS government involvement than Liberals want ...

I guess that's saying that Liberals (who aren't on a governing team) want 'freedom to do what the government is trying to do,' while Democrats want to GIVE THEM that freedom (so that they-themselves don't have to do it).

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