@CopelandNetwork alerts You to Three Hindrances that Keep Your Faith-Plane Grounded

I guess I'm one of 'the ones who thought faith-in-God only mattered with regard to the afterlife'---the whole 'Believe in God, and go to Heaven when you die'-story.

But an article from the September 2020 issue of Kenneth Copeland Ministries' Believer's Voice of VICTORY Magazine explains that it actually applies to 'the duringlife' ... that we're not just "old sinners saved by grace" (as many church-worshippers claim to be), but rather we're "more than conquerors through him that loved us" (Romans 8:37).
Most Christians treat their righteousness as if it's 'someone else's righteousness that they borrow but have to give right back'---like they can use it to 'get through the gates of Heaven,' but they have to keep it locked away until then! 

KCM knows that Faith is much more than The End, and their mission involves teaching us what more Our Heavenly Father gives! Below are 3 big reasons most Christians don't see Faith as anything more than 'a ticket to afterlife Paradise.'

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  1. A Lack of Understanding of the New Creation - 'Brother Kenneth's explanation of the New Creation' uses for its basis the Scriptures of Second Corinthians 5:17-18, First Peter 1:23 & 2:9, Revelation 1:5-6, Colossians 1:12-13, 19-22.
  2. A Lack of Understanding of Righteousness - 'Brother Kenneth's explanation of Righteousness' uses for its basis the Scriptures of Second Corinthians 5:21, James 5:16, Romans 3:23 (between 22 & 24) & 5:17-18; Hebrews 10:10, 2; First John 1:9, Isaiah 54:9
  3. A Lack of Understanding of Our Place In Jesus & His Place In Us - 'Brother Kenneth's explanation of Proper Place' uses for its basis the Scriptures of First John 4:4, Second Corinthians 6:16 ... and a HUGE writing-and-reading assignment---"Look up all 130 verses in the New Testament (from Romans through Revelation) that contain the phrase(s) 'In Christ/Him/Whom, write out each of those verses in longhand, and go back to read each of those verses 'in context' (also reading the whole chapters or books that surround them)."
