#MyPerfecTees (or #Misibarc) help you Surprise Your Loved-One with a Customized Magic #Mug

'Mug (below-hyperlinked to MISIBARC/MyPerfecTees' offer on a mug that reveals a 'hidden message' when filled with a hot beverage) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Mug” might be built on ancient words that mean Earthen |Cup, |Jug, |Pitcher, Open Can for |Warm Drinks (a #MugHunter is one who Enters Contests for No Reason except to Win the Prize (usually a decorated Mug)—not 'for the Love of The Game,' or whatever). 
The Person's |Mouth or Face sense comes from the old drinking-mugs shaped like |Grotesque Faces; usually applied to Criminals' Faces (usually as Pictured in line-up), and then any such Stupid, Incompetent, |Dupe, Fool, |Sucker; in Theater, Making an |Exaggerated Face; the #MugsGame (Mug's Game) being any Foolish, Thankless, Unprofitable Activity. 
You can see how the crime of Mugging naturally comes from that noun (especially since it originally applied to Beating the Victim's Face (in |Pugilism)). 
#Mugs #Mugging #Mugged #MuggingForTheCamera

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