They Claim to Be Aiming for #ThePrize, but Can't Define the #Prize (probably because it's more Metaphorical than Actual-&-Material | @PrayerDotOrg #Prizes #Prized #Prizefight #Prizing
'That word' (below-hyperlinked to 'the Immortal room') is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...
The word “Prize” is built on ancient words that mean "|Price, |Value, |Worth, |Reward" or "to Lay |Hold of, |Grasp, |Seize, |Catch (|Before + 'to |Take)" or "to |Praise (|Estimate)."
Of course, 'The Prize' I'm talking about is the rumored reward for being 'the "One," of which "There Can Only Be" "In The End" (in the HIGHLANDER-verse),'

... but you probably guessed I was talking about Christians when I said 'them'—always talking about 'the prize' of "life forever in Heaven," received 'in exchange for' believing Our Father is the Almighty God who created all things.
Know anything else interesting about that? Comment!
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