How Long Do You Keep #ThankYouCards? @OUHSC @OUAlliedHealth @OUAHC @BlueCollarLogic #Thank #Thankful #Thanks #Thankfully #Thanking #Thanksgiving #Thanksgivings #ThankYou #DontThankMe

I got a couple 'Thank You'-cards from the hosts of a seminar I assisted (sharing my brain-injury recovery story at the OUHSC College of 'Allied Health' (as opposed to their College of 'Divided Chaos Health,' I suppose 😏)).

And they're fine. But I want to 'fully appreciate' the 'thank you'-notes before I throw them away 😀 I mean; Why send a card, if you told the person In Real Life that you're thankful for the help they gave? Is it 'so that you have on-record (somewhere) that you 'gave them the thanks they were due'?

It might be the same reason people use coin- & paper-cash (rather than 'just charging it to their account' ... accessed via 'the markings printed on their hand or -forehead?'—no, but really; accessed via a credit-card or i-device one carries everywhere) ... our account-balancing brains need to 'feel' like we've given 'something of value' in return for 'something of value' that we've received.

There are several reasons like that—including the one OUHSC's students, -graduates & -professors know best: It's Good for Your Health ❤

The word "Thank" carries the scent of "to |Think, |Feel" (|Loving |Memory).
