Which #Helmet Will I Wear Today? a.k.a. #TheManyHatsIWear (PLEASE OPEN IN NEW TAB/WINDOW) | @Wikipedia
Yes, I'll list- (& hyperlink to explanations of) 'the #helmets I wear' below the follow-bar; but first–after a mention of the free mining-software (giving us free Bitcoin in exchange for energy we're wasting anyway)–I want to put on my 'etymology teacher'-helmet (the theme-thread that ties this blog together) & teach you about that word. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)
The word “Helmet” is probably a diminutive of #Helm, built on ancient words that mean "to Cover, Conceal, Save."
The 'instrument by which a ship is steered'-meaning of "Helm" is built on ancient words that mean "to Hold, |Grasp (see #Helve (Handle of an |Axe or -Tool or -Weapon), built on the same ancient words)."
Seeing their page at the end of a WORLDWIDE AUTOSURF-session, I was introduced to an internet traffic system that's interwoven with many other traffic systems. And--as I started to sign onto- & interweave my 'offers' on-their systems--I began to forget exactly WHICH 'offers' I'm looking for traffic-on.
That's because--as a 'retiree' (or maybe make that a 'PRE-tiree,' as "REtirement" would imply that I once had a job that earned me "retirement money")--I don't really have anything binding me to 'one business-opportunity or interest.'
Every day, I wake up and do 'whatever I feel like doing' (usually "watching television/streaming-services" or "sitting down to my computer").
- Etymology Researcher (word-history searcher): Inspired by early YouTube's Marina "HotForWords"--whose vlog-posts would feature histories of the day's popular words--I find the histories of 'this day's popular words' (or 'whatever words I happen to be thinking of') and present them in 'some metaphorical way' (sometimes 'words grown from the seeds of words planted,' sometimes 'pieces of furniture in the Mind Closet/Palace used to remember where to find the words,' sometimes 'smells & shadows of the words we hear/see/smell chained facing the wall of Plato's Cave,' sometimes 'grains-of-sand in the bricks in the foundations beneath words we use today').
- Like I said, this 'helmet' is the blog's "theme"---think of it as 'the chorus to the song' or maybe 'the theme-song that plays at the beginning of each episode or -"return from commercials."'
- Affiliate Marketer - Sure, I link to businesses that are selling actual products; but that involves so much focus on 'advertising' that it's easy to forget that I'm selling 'something real' ... because I spend a lot of time wearing the helmet of a
- Video-Game Player - or maybe that's more like a 'Brain-Game Player' ... like my elders were often doing crosswords & word-finds & card-games when I was young, I now play Match-3s & Hidden Object games & MORPGs in order to keep my brain working.
- Blockchain Security-Guard ... what many would call a Cryptominer (because 'running my download of the Blockchain Security-Key' earns me random percentages of Bitcoin, much like real-live "mining" earns the miner a percentage according to the miner's luck)
- Network Commenter - mostly on Twitter & Facebook, also on forums across the web
- YouTube Watcher & -Sharer: I watch YouTube almost all day. And I'll often see a vlog-post that uses a word I think I should research here.
- Bible Study-er/Interpreter: Inspired by a lot of the things above & -by Shepherd's Chapel (chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse Bible-study broadcasts; consistently verifying the ancient languages' words used in the original manuscripts, but only occasionally applying 'the context in which the original manuscripts were written' (i.e. when a modern interpretation is preferable, the Pastors choose that path---e.g. referring to The Bible as "God's letter to you," rather than 'a collection of "intercepted signals (sent by Yahweh to The Prophets who heed him & -to their Disciples)"')),
I follow their long tradition of 'taking the messages (seen in The Bible & in other such Scriptures & Documents, heard from other Prophets & Preachers & Teachers & Speakers, intercepted by neural projection, etc.)' & 'sharing the wisdom I can discern from them.'
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My New Mantra (one of several) |
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