Why It's Important that You #Comment (and not just 'Read & Acknowledge that I Wrote Things) | @PrayerCotOrg #BibleSuite @MoneyPantry #MyLot @WAHAdventures #Comments #Commenting #Commentary #Commentaries
A bit of Scripture has been on my mind lately:
I'll comment on those different-translations later, but for now ... sort of the reason-why I'm focusing on comment below ...So then faith [cometh] by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (epistle to the Romans, chapter 10, verse 17 (i.e. Romans 10:17) King James Bible ... I know Young's Literal Translation (or the American- or International Standard Versions) might be "more accurate"; but the KJB is 'the one I was raised on,' so it's the one in my head)
Quite simply (conclusion-first—a little weird, but otherwise I'll forget), 'the word of God' isn't "The Bible" until it's coming from your mouth (or -until it's being written by your hands)—one reason-why some of the translations (of this particular verse) use "word of Christ" or "saying of God."
(That's also the reason-why most Bible-teachers'll tell you to read The Bible out loud—because–even though your conscious understanding can (and will faithfully continue to) identify the ludicrous impossibility of the things you read there–your subconscious brain will remember 'your voice' saying those crazy things & -will remember that billions of others have said- and believe those crazy things and -will preserve those crazy beliefs in order to keep the valid truths in your brain (truths you wouldn't understand naturally, like "your life is worth dying-for").)
In other words, 'The Word of God' is "what you take from The Bible or -from Bible-study or -from conversation with fellow humans. And those last two are 'built on' (or–more accurately–'mortared together by') comments—The Bible-text is a clump of unbelievable 'bricks' held together by by the 'mortar' of people's belief, and if you listen to all of it your brain will hear the crucial parts of The Bible (the parts that make it worth 'mortaring-in' all the craziness).
'That word' (below-hyperlinked to the original text (and many translations) of The Scripture-Passage) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...
The word “Comment” is built on ancient words that mean "to Remember intensely (Com-)" (Mind, to Think).
This is where I mess up (and where President Donald Trump & many other "wrong" politicians get trounced). We start out saying 'wrong' things (whether we are willing to admit how wrong we were), trusting our audiences to 'make it right.'
Trump & co. trust-each other & -fellow citizens to 'make it right' through actions in the marketplace or through statements in the media, but I hope you make my content right through comments.
(Reminding me of 'my early attempts (and minor success) at online money-making: mostly in 'social blogging-programs' (Xomba, MyLot ... AssociatedContent, others I forget), where you essentially "made more money" if you spent more time commenting on other members' posts ... which then hyperlinked all those posts to the posts that earned you credit.)
Like I quoted in a post about increasing your blog-posts' quality:
Smart Blogger gives us 'The Three-Part Formula for Getting More Comments'
Traffic + Engagement + Emotion = Bunches of Comments... and 14 tips
- Get Visitors to Subscribe (mostly by 'offering an incentive' like a video, report or webinar)
- Prefer Email over RSS
- Publish Less Often
- Email Your Unopens
- These four tips (and maybe some of the others) illustrate 'the alternate direction I'm going'—I write, and most of the few who read it are (I think) linking to it from Twitter where I share it through Buffer ... formerly through FeedBurner, which I still use for 'email subscriptions' (though I'm not really trying to get more subscribers that way).
- And as for 'offering an incentive' (or 'bribing'), I guess I've convinced myself that 'my writing' is "incentive"-enough.
- Ask for Links
- That's kinda what I'm doing when I put '@"username"' in the post-title (ONLY when I link to their page). What happens—sometimes it posts a link 'on the user's Twitter-page,' but usually it just 'notifies the user that I "tagged" them on my page'
- But now I might also @-tag 'people whom I hope read & possibly-comment below.
- Revive the Archives
- I might change the blog-layout again—its layout at-the-time is where I thought most posts would just be '"This word" comes from "that word."' So I aimed to display 'as many posts as possible' up front.
- But–with each post being more like 'an article that focuses on a small number of words'–I might change it around to make it more like 'a pile of events.'
- Write with MORE PASSION
- Assault the Norm
- Tell a Tear-Jerker
- Attack a Common Enemy
- Give a Pep Talk
- Respond to the Comments you Do Get
- Ask a Question that's Easy to Answer
So now, I have 'a to-do list'—tasks to complete in order to ... to ... to 'Make you Love Me!'
- Resort to Bribery (akin to 'the Incentive for Subscribing')
(commenting above as I go through the checklist)
Know anything else interesting about that? Comment!
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I appreciate your comment, and I'll probably approve it & publish it soon (give me about a week before you try to post it again when it doesn't publish immediately ... thanks)