#AwarenessCharacteristics: Levels of #Awareness that @Scientology claims come with Training & Processing | #Aware #Unaware #CaughtUnawares #SelfAware

We'll get into their self-importance later, but first I want to look at the foundations of 'that word' (below-hyperlinked to my post about Scientology's "Bridge to Total Freedom" ...

The word “Aware” carries the scent of “Very |Wary, -Cautious; to Perceive, Watch for.”

Scientology's "Bridge to Total Freedom" lists these 'Awareness Characteristics'---to show how they attribute your expanded awareness to the education they've given you (through Books you've bought & re-bought from them, Processing/Auditing-sessions you've bought, and other 'Quid-pro-Quo Donations'). I'm not sure if they explain 'how the characteristics have to do with the Training....

They start at the bottom, but I'll list them 'the way people read things':
    • It starts (at the bottom), with about 30 levels "beneath" (before) your beginnings in Scientology's training/processing
  1. (It's "-34," just in case your browser is reading 'the HTML to list negative numbers on ordered lists' wrong) Unexistence
  2. Disconnection
  3. Uncausing
  4. Criminality
  5. Disassociation
  6. Dispersal
  7. Erosion
  8. Fixidity
  9. Glee
  10. Elation
  11. Masochism
  12. Sadism
  13. Hallucination
  14. Secrecy
  15. Duality
  16. Detachment
  17. Oblivion
  18. Catatonia
  19. Shock
  20. Hysteria
  21. Delusion
  22. Inactuality
  23. Disaster
  24. Introversion
  25. Numbness
  26. Suffering
  27. Despair
  28. Ruin
  29. Effect
  30. Fear of Worsening
  31. Need of Change (don't know why L. Ron Hubbard sets this as "-4") - the point on The Bridge where you're searching for- & find "Dianetics and Scientology Beginning Books & Extension Courses, Lectures & Public Films," which you 'Audit' during your ..
  32. Demand for Improvement - And all your learning boosts you through the "Dianetics and Scientology Introductory Services," to ...
  33. Hope - Processing with the Purification Rundown, Training (unclassed) from the Hubbard Method One® Co-Audit Course, then up to ...
  34. Help - Processing with the Happiness Rundown (with the Scientology Drug Rundown & various TRs and Objectives (assigned by your Case Supervisor)) and the ARC Straightwire®; Training (all unclassed) with The Student Hat® Course, the New Hubbard Professional TR Course, the Hubbard Professional Upper Indoc TR Course & the Hubbard Professional Meeting Course
  35. ... no Awareness is numbered "0." It goes straight from '-1: Help" to ...
  36. (1) Recognition - Processing at Grade Zero; Training (for a Class Zero Auditor), Level Zero of the Scientology Academy
    • Processing at Grade I (Expanded); Training (for a Class I Auditor) Level I of the Scientology Academy, "giving you" Awareness Characteristics ...
  37. Communication
  38. Perception
    • Processing at Grade II (Expanded); Training (making a Class II Auditor) Level II of the Scientology Academy ...
  39. Orientation
  40. Understandings
  41. Enlightenment
    • Grade III (Expanded) Processing & Scientology Academy's Level III (Training a Class III Auditor) bring Awareness Characteristics ...
  42. Energy
  43. Adjustment
  44. Body
    • Grade IV (Expanded) Processing & Class-IV Auditor Training at Scientology Academy's Level IV (soon Validated by Class-IV Internship) bring ...
  45. Prediction
  46. Activity
  47. Production
    • Then the Processing advances to "New Era Dianetics (NED®), with Class V Auditor Training in the Hubbard New Era Dianetics Auditor Course (Validated by a Class V Internship) & Class V Graduate Auditor Training in the Hubbard Class V Graduate Auditor Course (Validate ba a Class V Grad Internship), as you gain the Awarenesses of ...
  48. Result
  49. Correction
  50. Ability
    • The Processing of Expanded Dianetics (as directed by your Case Supervisor) and -of your Clear Certainty Rundown (boosting you to CLEAR) & Levels A-E of the Class VI Auditor Training (the Saint Hill® Special Briefing Course) grant you ...
  51. Purposes
  52. Clearing
  53. Realization
    • Then--as you do the Sunshine Rundown®-, Solo Course (Part I & -II)-, OT Preparation- & OT Eligibility-Process and the rest of the Class VI Auditor- (Levels F-P of the Saint Hill ® Special Briefing Course & a Class VI Internship) & Class VII Auditor-Training (Class VII Auditor Course)--you become 'Aware' of ...
  54. Conditions
    • Processing as a New OT I & OT II & Training as  Level VIII Auditor (with the Hubbard Class VIII Auditor Course), you develop your awareness of ...
  55. Existence

  56. the next levels/grades build on your awareness of Source
    • that's the Awareness you build in Processing grades-OT III, -New OT IV, -New OT V, -New OT VI, -New OT VII, -New OT VIII & (though I hear-tell that the OT-levels above VIII DON'T ACTUALLY EXIST!) New OTs IX, -X, -XI and -XII; and Training (starting with your Level VIII Auditor Internship, then on through the ranks until you finish your Level XI Auditor Internship)
  57. Power on All 8 Dynamics
    • Processing through OTs XIII & -XIV, Training to be a Class XII Auditor; and finally
  58. Total Freedom
    • OT XV in Processing and completing your Training with a Class XII (Verifying) Internship
