Another Possible-Title for This Blog: Etymological Archaeology ( #Etymarkeology?) by #Erosion

Because that's what I notice about this WIP: I most-often 'feel a word needs to be added' when it comes up in the news (rather than "when it's the meaning of another word's base" or "when I'm just curious about that particular word."

I notice that because 'the words that come up' are more-and-more-often "words I've already 'done'---making 'the winds of time' #erode another layer off of the etymological sediment, for me to find the foundation stones beneath those words (which will probably come up again later, calling me to find those words' foundations; etc.)"

What I show here is 'the immediately supporting meanings' which "that word" (below hyperlinked to the subject that brought it up---Scientology's list of Awareness Characteristics) stands-upon ... built on deeper meanings that 'firm the foundations' upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Erosion” is built on ancient words that mean "to |Gnaw (possibly built on words that mean 'to |Scrape, |Scratch') Away" (originally describing the effects of Acids, Ulcers etc.; then the |Geological sense).

#Erosion | #Erode #Eroded #Eroding #Erodes #Eroder

And of-course Etymarkeology is a portmanteau of Etymology & #Archaeology (on Speaking about the First Beginnings (Archon)).

#Etymarkeologies #Archaeologies #Archaeo- #Archaeological #Archaeologist #Archeological #Archeology #Etymarkeologist

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