I Get the Feeling that the @GOP (#RepublicanParty) 'paints the @DNC (#DemocraticParty) as' a bunch of #LordOfTheFlies-Dreamers | @YouTube @EnkiVillage @Wikipedia @realDonaldTrump @MichelleObama
Go ahead and watch the video, and then read my viewpoint & tell me how right I am in the comments.
The sense I'm getting (partly from the video above, and partly from 'life-experience') is that "the Democrats refuse to grow up." They want everything to be "fair." They seem to refuse to accept the fact that Life's Not Fair!
Oh, I would like if Life were fair; and I firmly believe people can make decisions that are fair. But ... the Democrats' complaints against 'the Trump administration' sound a lot like "grown-ups are meanies!"
(And I'm saying 'the Trump administration' and not 'the Republican party,' because "Trump" is in direct opposition to 'what I think the Republican party is about.')
Watching the Democrats' complaints against the current 'regime,' I'm suspecting they're trying to paint Trump's administration as another 'Galactic Empire'—with the strategy of getting us to 'root against Trump.'
I suppose it's something 'natural' in each of us, that makes us think our fight-for-the-good to be fueled by our hate-of-the-evil. (I was going to call it "something 'childish' in each of us," but ... I don't know, it sounds "right" that 'our fight is fueled by our hate'; but ... ... ...)

... I guess that was the thought the children put into their rebellion against adults in Lord of the Flies (it's been decades since I read it, so I'll look for a summary/spoiler of the story about a group of children who establish their own kingdom ... #disastrously).
'That word' (below-hyperlinked to a list of some basic differences between Democrats & Republicans) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...
The word “Disastrously” (i.e. |Calamitously, Ruinously) is built on ancient words that mean Ill-Starred, Unlucky (aster's root also meaning Planet (as planets in the night sky are often indistinguishable from stars)).
#Disaster #Disastrous #Disasters
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