Something I Want to #AskJen @insideWithPsaki: What do People Think #Democracy Actually is?

The definition I think we were all given (in elementary-school) was 'Government by Majority-Vote of the People' (making one selling-point of The #Republicans 'protection of The Minority-Vote (when it's "right" & the majority disagrees).')
That (and many current events I'll discuss below) leads me to some conflicting ideas on the Democratic Party. 

The word “Democracy” is built on ancient words that mean "Popular Government" (Rule or Strength (-cracy) for the Common People (District, Demotic)).
The word “Republicans” is built on ancient words that mean "Pertaining to Affairs-, Matters- & Things of the Public."

#DemocratParty #DemocraticParty #Democratism #Democrat #Republican #Republicanism #RepublicanParty


The first matter that comes to mind is gun-control---one area where I think The Democratic Party is revealing itself as 'the cabal that Tulsi Gabbard said it is when she announced the end of her membership there.' They believe people know 'the right thing to do' when it comes to "choosing others to represent them"; but they believe we're idiots when it comes to "choosing whether or not to purchase & maintain firearms"---yeah?

Another is their attempt to raise the minimum wage---which would be fine ... in a purely socialist system. Maybe this is a "hot take," but I believe 'the minimum wage' is a number that is set by "The Invisible Hand" of the marketplace (which--if not referring to the fictional vigilante-group on Reddington's Blacklist--is the personification of 'the economy's tendency to set things in equilibrium').

"But Democrats ARE Democracy!" I imagine Liberal Democrats whining. 'How so?' I respond, and await your answer in the comments.

But I don't think so. They're not so much about 'the power of the people to rule themselves' as much as (and forgive me if this is off-base) 'the power of the Democrat Party to know what's best for everybody (including "how much our employers should pay us," "how much to charge for the life-sustaining products we sell," etc.).'
