#Rules for #Rulers (@POTUS etc.), and a few #NewRules (like @BillMaher's @RealTimePodcast, except #ForReal (#Rules I hope You Adopt)) for Peaceful Life (along with The #GoldenRule) @CGPGrey #Rule #Ruling #Ruler

Some notes from the above:

  • Power is important (see Rule Zero (in the video), but–as every high-school janitor knows–'Keys' (in this case, the People Needed to make Changes happen) are very important
  • No Person Rules Alone
  • Rule 1: Get the Keys to Support You—usually because you ...
  • 2: Control the Treasure - This is the Principal Job of a Ruler—all the other jobs flow from This One ... Maintaining Keys' Loyalty (Subjects' Loyalty–though a nice thing to have–is Extra, like an Art-Dealer's Toddler's Painting on the Refrigerator Door)
  • Rewards are Great when the Keys are Few ... 
    • but that Administration's Machine is More-Easily Destroyed—leading to
  • Rule 3: Minimize Membership of Key Support-Team (a rule that works almost as well under a Democracy as under a Dictatorship ... possibly the reason why most of America's Citizens don't feel like Trump 'Needs them on his Team')—focus not on Key Individuals but on Key Blocks.
    • lots of sneaky ways to 'hack' the Democracy to get the same effects as Dictatorship, but I'm not gonna take any notes on them (you can probably see them in the video above) ... unless a word 'catches my ear'
    • like "Corruption—a Tool of power"
I could become a Ruler; but my main focus would be Changing a few things annoy me, that I hope you would change if you could (and of-course you can suggest some changes you would ask-for in the comments below)

The word “Rule” carries the scent of “to Straighten, Guide” (Move, Direct, Lead in a straight line).

  • (first, the one on my mind that inspired me to start this list): 'Powders in plastic jars' (instant coffee & -tea, drink-mixes, Metamucil, etc.) ought to have tops wide enough for an average adult to comfortably fit a hand-into. - when my instant coffee jar starts getting empty, I have to 'reach into it a little' to get a full spoonful. (I know I could buy some of those tea-spoons (longer handles), but ... I don't see why else I should.)
    • I found 'the work-around' (and possibly what they expect most people to do): buy a container large-enough to put your hand into, pour the mix into that, and use that to hold the mix until you need to get the last bit. But ... not efficient ...
  • At the store–when-you take something down from a shelf and -there are items behind the one you just took down–scoot as-many-as-you-can to the front of the shelf! I don't know whether this is a "new" rule or just -another 'good manners'-practice that went out of style along with most other 'common sense,' but I notice almost-no one does it! I notice it particularly at my local Walmart Grocery, where I frequently find that the fruit-juice I'm looking-for is pushed all-the-way-to-the-back of the drink-refrigerator! I feel like I'm 'a volunteer-worker' (and not one o` those "Walmart Greeters" stationed at the front of the store), pulling the drinks I want to the front of the `fridge ... and going ahead & pulling the neighboring drinks to the front with it (along with a few other things I do to make my fellow shoppers' convenience more-convenient).
  • Get a whisper-close toilet-lid. - And I'm not just saying that so that they'll 'make more money'; my whisper-close toilet-lid makes it so that I can just flick the toilet-lid shut and it gently brings it to a close. But I fear that–after months-&-years of 'flicking the toilet-lid shut'–I'll continue to 'flick it shut' (out of habit) AT ANY TOILET I USE! I just don't want to risk breaking your toilet-lid when it slams shut for lack of a whisper-close!
