If Heterosexuals Are #Straight, Why Aren't Homosexuals "Wiggly"?

I'll get into that later, but first ... I feel like there might be something more to that word ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which the linked post builds ...

The word “Straight” is built on “Stretch” (True, Direct, Honest, Clear, Unambiguous, Undiluted, Uncompromising, Without Swerving or Deviating, Serious, Respectable, Fair, Decent, Conventional, Level Position, Poker-Hand of Consecutive Cards (from the 'in Consecutive Order, in a Row'-meaning)).

Etymonline suggests the heterosexual-'straight' might come from the common phrase "straight & narrow" (which naturally developed when people heard the Scripture where Jesus tells us to stay on the "strait and narrow," and most people's ears don't differentiate between 'strait' & 'straight').

Reminds me of rumors that 'left-handedness' or other such odd habits were markers of 'homosexuality' (kids today still call 'choices they don't like that several others do like' "gay").

    Starting into some 'research' on the term, I learn
  • Homosexuals were often called "Bent" in England (back when homosexuality was "illegal") ... sort of the way Christians were called "People of The Book" & met at places with "Fish"-signs when they were under Roman persecution
