#No, God Does #Nothing; We Only 'Credit God for #Everything' to Share in all the #Things His Worshippers Share | #Thing #Anything

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In the 'Traumatic Brain-Injury'-community, I constantly meet people who "Thank God for the life that they've managed to recover."

I think I know what they mean, but 'stating it that way' makes it seem like they think they got 'all the things in their lives after recovery' handed to them directly from God—which is NOT how they got them. They get all those things because 1) people decided to give those things to them, and/or 2) they themselves decided to go get them.

Now, maybe all the involved parties are 'giving things in the way they read about God giving God's greatest gifts'; and many church-groups are accused of 'scamming people into giving-up more than they can afford to lose' (by assuring them that they'll be repaid with 'overflowing treasures in Heaven' or 'miracles in exchange for their faith (e.g. one person might have to decide between 'paying for an operation' & 'donating to the ministries,' when the ministries will tell them to donate and be healed by the ministers' prayers 🙄)').

The ministers might use this 'gem of Scripture':
(Jesus tells listeners what The King says to the subjects he grants treasure-to) Most certainly I tell you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.
But it all amounts to nothing—no thing. And yes, I have Scripture to back that up too:
For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
We all come to the end of our lives as naked and empty-handed as on the day we were born. We can’t take our riches with us.

'The words' are built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Nothing” is built of the words "No & Thing." 
The word "No" is built on words that mean “Not + Vital Force, Long Life, Eternity” (None, Not So, (Person who casts) a Negative Vote). 
The word "Thing" is built on words that mean "Assembly" (Council, Suit, Matter, Court-Day, Plea, Concern, Affair, Public Assembly for Judgment and Business, Lawsuit ... I'm not sure how it evolved to mean "Object"—it might be because the Courtroom was often the place it was decided 'Which Possessions are Whose').

and Don't get me wrong; I do thank God for the opportunities to use my humble abilities to magnify the glory of God's children's love for God and -for our brothers-&-sisters-in-Christ, but God's not a magic genie!

Know anything else interesting about that? Comment!
