I 'Fill My Widely-Known #Role' Here, but It's Only a #Side-Role; My #Main-Role ... Hasn't Been 'Won' Yet #MyRoleInLife #SideBySide #RoleModel

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Ask a Christian 'what our purpose on Earth is,' and most of them are trained with the response "to Give Glory to God" (and you can almost hear the 'parrot exclamation' there ... I'm not even sure what it means to  'Give Glory to God,' and so I don't think they do either).

Maybe they think 'giving glory to God' is just "mentioning God's name when giving credit for your victories in life," but no—God takes 'the glory of the accomplishment' whether-or-not you mention God. 'Telling people you "give glory to God"' is actually just 'acknowledging that God is taking the glory' (like when you hand someone the keys to their car and tell them to 'take' the keys).

To feel the glory God takes, you must accept-&-perform the role that God gives you—this is where my definition of 'God' differs from the typical definition. I define God as "all things' Deciding Existence" (that's both 'the conscious decisions people make' and 'the subconscious decisions that influence those decisions').

One 'serves God' by fulfilling one's own part in supporting the most-fruitful decisions (the way the  Old Testament fortress stayed secure because each resident fortified their own small section of the wall).

And the most-fruitful role one can fill is to serve as Co-Parent of Children whom you help to Grow into Co-Parents of Future Children whom they help to ...

But almost-no one claims that as their occupation! If you ask a newlywed to describe their spouse, it's almost never, "Oh, she's a bride from 'such-&-such a place'" or "Oh, he's a groom from 'somewhere'" or "a wife" or "a husband" or "a mother" or "a father" ... they are usually 'identified' by "what they do for money" (he's a butcher, she's a baker, they're retirees).

Those 'money-roles'–though–are just side-roles ... just 'extra jobs you take on to support yourself & -others in your main-role (co-parent of children whom you help to grow).'

'That word' is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which the our lexicon stands ...

The word “Role” is built on “the |Roll (of |Paper) on which an |Actor's |Part is |Written” (|Function |Performed |Characteristically by someone). 
The word “Main” is built on “|Power, |Strength, |Force” (|Great |Love, |Heavy |Burden, |Royal |Authority, |Continuous |Stretch of |Land or |Water, |Chief, |Principal, |Prime).
The word “Side” is built on “|Long (not the |Point of the Arrow, but the |Shaft), |Late” (|Soiree).

So here I am, working on my side-role (in support of others who are working on their main-roles) until one decides I should be her 'Co-'—when I will continue this side-role, but only when taking small breaks from my main-role.

Or maybe I'm looking at it wrong—that's one reason
 Our Father God said "It is not good for the man to be
 alone":  "Because the man'll think he's right until someone else shows
 him why he's not"—Won't you show me
 if I'm right-or-wrong in the comments below?
