#EARNMOREio lists their Top #TrafficExchange Websites | #Change #Exchange #Changed #Exchanged #Changing #Exchanging #Changes #Exchanges #StockExchange #Changeable

Well, EarnMore lists the traffic-exchange (mostly 'manual' TEs, but I saw them on an Auto-Surf  Exchange) at the page linked-through 'Exchange' below.

What I show here is 'the group of words' that couch "that word" into your vocabulary ... deeper meanings that 'firm the foundations' upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word "Exchange" is built on ancient words that mean "Out (Ex-) + to Change (to Barter, Switch, Turn, |Bend, |Crook, Undergo Alteration, Become Different, to Give an Equivalent-for in Smaller Parts of the Same Kind (money), to Take off Old Clothes and Put On New ones)" (building where Merchants & |Lenders |Meet to do Business (Buying & |Selling Stocks & Bonds & Promissory Notes), Curved, Tribute, Prisoner, |Cant).
