Is there a Difference between #Equity & #EquALity, @TabForACause? @ThoughtCo clarifies | #Equal #EqualRights #EqualPartners #EquallyYoked #Equals #Equalize #Equalizer #EqualTreatment #Equalizers

Tab for a Cause explains 'how you can help the world find Black Humans more #Equity" in a report linked through 'that word' below; but first I want to teach you about that word, and 'What about #EquALity?' And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The difference between 'Equity' and 'Equality' ... is hard to see. ThoughtCo explains (in much more detail) that "Equality" is 'when the powerful give the same amount to everyone,' and "Equity" is 'when the powerful give people as much as they need to BE equal to everyone else';

And both words are built on the word "Equal." 

The word "Equal" is built on the same ancient words as "Even, Level, Flat, as |Tall as, Friendly, Kind, Just, Fair, |Impartial, Proportionate, Calm, |Tranquil" (to |Match, |Rival, Compare).


Why "Black Equity" rather than "Black Equality?" The way I understand it, #CRT (Critical Race Theory). I say 'the way I understand it,' because Republicans--though they definitely don't understand it correctly--have warped the common understanding of it enough that you'll probably think I understand it wrong.

My understanding is that C.R.T. is basically 'the FACT that--due to America's 'ancient' laws--people of African ancestry have been disadvantaged in society, and thus are in need of assistance to reach the same heights of wealth as their Caucasian fellow-citizens.
