Do @ALL435Reps in the @US_HouseOfReps think Money is Something OTHER THAN #TheBarterSystem, @ChuckTodd? | @CRACKED #Bartered #Bartering

I might imagine 'what mystical thing' the legislators think it is 'below the subscribe-bar; but first I discuss (on the forum linked through #Barter (the forum that'll PAY YOU to join in on the discussion!)) what I think money is.

Right here, I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The word “Barter” is built on ancient words that mean ... well, language-folks say it has meant "Commerce by Exchange of |Commodities" since the late 16th century; but they also say there's a close connection (in several languages) between words for "Trading" and words that mean "|Cheat, Deceive" (people "|Haggle" to keep sellers Honest, but the Clever Tactics people teach us can Tempt us to go over the edge of Treachery 😟)


Besides the things listed by CRACKED (on the page linked through that pic) and 'the pictured habit' (which NO ONE EVER does), maybe our legislators believe money you spend just disappears ... like many are led to believe waste-&-things disappear when we flush them down the toilet, like many are led to believe trash-&-things disappear when we through them out the window, like many are led to believe smoke disappears when it floats into the atmosphere ... 

(I mention/address 'the moderator of MEET THE PRESS' about this,
because the questions he asked a Democratic Congressman seemed
 to perpetuate a 'destroyed-after-one-use' perception of money ...
