#StrongFutureInternationaL (with @PhurbazD etc.) empowers #ECommerce-Professionals with #Ecommergy @Ecommergy

'A low-cost opportunity to JOIN that ECommerce-community' linked through 'its name' below; but I feel it's more important to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Ecommergy” is a portmanteau of E-Commerce & Energy (I imagine---I haven't 'verified it with the administrators yet,' but What would be a better name for 'the Power-Source for All ECommerce-Professionals?). 
The word "E-Commerce" is a portmanteau/abbreviation of Electronic #Commerce. | #ECommercial
The word "Commerce" is built on ancient words that mean "With, Together + Merchandise (Market)." #Commerced #Commerces #Commercial #Commercializm #Commercialize #Commercialization

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