@WorldAtlas explains the #Difference between Christianity & "Roman Catholicism" | | #Differ #Different #Differently #Differences #Differed #Differing #Differs #Differentiate #Differentiation

Well, 'they explain' at the article linked-to through "that word" below.

What I show here is 'the group of words' that give "that word" a place to connect to your vocabulary ... deeper sources that firm the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Different” is built on ancient words that mean "to |Bear- or |Carry |Apart or -|Away from" (same root as |Defer).

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I was raised Roman Catholic, so I disagree with WorldAtlas.com ... they say 
  • Catholics believe they are 'the only "correct" way to follow Lord Jesus Christ'
    • I ... I don't know how people equate 'believing some guy a) actually existed, b) died & came back to life and ascended into the clouds, & c) somehow maintains humanity's innocence in "the Heavenly courtroom" up there' with 'following Him'
  • Protestants believe that The Bible (Sacred Scripture) is the only source of instructions from 'OHF'*; Catholics believe in The Bible and 'Sacred Tradition' ('Mom/Dad/Grandma/Grandpa/ Aunt/Uncle-always-told-us' ... which is actually how The Bible originally came to Humanity)
    • I hadn't heard that one.
  • Protestants somehow believe that humans are incapable of interpreting the Scriptures (and must go along with the previous interpretation that the most people agree-with) ...  I don't know---WorldAtlas simply says that Protestants (specifically Evangelicals) don't believe that The Pope has interpretive authority (nor that his interpretation overrules 'the law of the land').
    • I've heard about ancient monarchies took The Pope's words as law. Haven't seen any contemporary examples of 'The Pope overruling Kings/Queens/Prime-Minister/Government-Officers.'
  • The Virgin Mary - WorldAtlas says Catholics believe she (the Virgin Mother of Lord Jesus Christ) was sinless and also resurrected & bodily ascended to Heaven, while Christians believe she's just as human as any of us and is still buried in her grave.
    • Raised Roman Catholic, I haven't heard this (tho I think there are Catholic 'annual celebrations' of her Ascension')
  • Statues & Pictures - WA says Protestants refuse to have photos/paintings or sculptures of 'saints'---instead representing all the respected believers with 'a simple wooden cross.' Meanwhile, Catholics treasure depictions of saints (including The Virgin Mary & Lord Jesus Christ ... even Big Beardy & Angels & Demons & Lightning & Rainbows & Sunlight & Clouds & Tornadoes/Hurricanes/a-Mighty-Wind) & even wear them.
    • hmmm ... I suppose this goes along with thinking about lucky charms (rabbit's foots (yes, I'm saying it's "rabbit's foots" when talking about 'the lucky charms'---it would be "rabbit's feet" when talking about them as 'the paws of living rabbits'), four-leaf clovers, crystals, team paraphenalia).

      Just like you feel that 'good luck is with you' when you're wearing the charm, Catholics might feel that 'the spirit of Virgin Mary or -of their Patron Saint' is with them if the statue's in the room.
  • WA says that Catholics can only worship inside church-buildings (chapels, cathedrals ... mosques?), while Christians can worship 'anywhere' (arenas, stadiums, auditoriums ... homes; as well as all the church-buildings)
    • I don't think 'this belief' comes from any Church-resource, but ... it's like the belief that 'sex belongs in the married-couple's bedroom'---we know that "that's where it's supposed to be," but a) that's not the only place it can happen & b) married-couples aren't the only ones who do it!

*("God" is the name we all use for our creator, but that's actually the name of ... I probably write about that a lot---point is, I call the deity 'OHF' (Our Heavenly Father))
