@_Hearth_Witch_ with Tips on Starting with #Witchcraft (dispelling Misconceptions like "Oh, same thing as #Wicca!" ...) | @ManikCreations

'Hearth' (I think that's her name; unless I'm misinterpreting her accent, and her name really is "Hoth") dispels 'some of the #Witch-confusion running rampant on TikTok' in a vlog you can get to through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word |Witch| is built on ... well, one of them is "wicca" (Old English that means "Sorcerer, Wizard, Magician" ... they also say 'Witch' is related to ancient words that mean "Soothsayer, Women who Deal with the Devil & Demons/Evil-Spirits to Perform Supernatural Acts, Divination, Idol, |Necromancer (to be Strong, -|Lively); |Drug, Poison, |Charm (see |Leaf); Holy, Consecrate, |Pythoness, |Horsemanship, Midwife, 'Wise People with Herbal Knowledge & a working Occult Teaching usually used for good' (Witchcraft Today)."
#Witches #Bewitch #Bewitches #Bewitched #Bewitching #WitchHunt #Witchery #Witchy

Like I said, the word |Wicca| is actually one of the 'grains of sand' beneath 'Witch'; but Hearth has another post on 'the differences between Witchcraft & Wicca & Paganisn'---my source also includes "Astrologer" in the ancient grain's meaning, with other roots tying it to The Old Religion.


Taking notes on YouTube's transcript of Hearth's vid:

I notice the automatic transcript-writer misinterprets her |accent---thinking she's talking about the difference between "wicker" and witchcraft 😏
Something she says near the end (but it's so important that I felt I should mention it first): witchcraft is more about 'the Principles' than 'the magic-spells.' A lot of "baby witches" try to find spells to cast--to "prove that witchcraft works before they decide it's worth the investments"--but ... that's not how it works---"Learn The Principles, & The Spells will come." 
She briefly recaps the difference between witchcraft & Wicca: Witchcraft is |Secular while Wicca HAS to invoke |Deities ... the occasional necessity of |Altars ... the popularity of 'Special Water' ... how your instruments' Colors might affect your spell-casting ... something about 'tucking-in the corners when you cast a Circle,' remembering to Center yourself & |Replenish your 'LIFEFORCE' ...
(I couldn't resist 😋) 
... afterward-and/or-beforehand---drawing Energy up from the Earth, eating a healthy snack, maybe getting some Rest ... being careful in your use of |Crystals ... 
Investigate the reasons behind things, rather than just accepting tidbits (like 'Rose-|Quartz brings Love' or 'Sage Smoke brings Wisdom' or 'you have to use a |Wand' or 'you have to cast your circle Clockwise'); you do want to learn 'those tidbits,' but you want to ask more Questions to gain a Deeper Understanding of them ... 
you don't need to go to a Witchcrafting Supplies Store to get the |Items needed to cast spells; you probably can find such a store, but--- 
I'm reminded of my grandfather Bosco, who--back when he was a young mechanic where they opened Fred Jones (Ford) Manufacturing in Oklahoma City--he would go to automotive exhibitions (where vehicle-makers would show off their new automotive-|doohickies) and then go to his garage and put those things together with spare-parts he had lying around! 
---but back to Hearth: She tells us that--though you can get some use out of the items--it'll be a lot better for you (in the long run) if you find the power within your |Self and think of the items as 'extra help' (like a crutch/cane) 
Need a Wand? Use one of a pair of Disposable Chopsticks, a Knife/Fork/Spoon, a Stick broken off a Tree-Branch! Need a |Cauldron? Use a Salad-Bowl! Need some Magic Herbs? Raid your Pantry!... 
Candle Complexities: to |Snuff or Blow? |Retain the Spirits or Banish them? whatever the whether, Don't Burn them if they're |precariously balanced; USE CANDLE-HOLDERS! (or--if you don't have a candle-holder--she mentions a trick you can use to stand it up semi-safely) & DON'T LEAVE BURNING CANDLES UNATTENDED! SAFETY FIRST!

I'm noticing that she's addressing a lot of stuff ('casting a circle,' 'drawing up energy,' "Witch's |Bottles," etc.) that might not sound "reasonable," but that's because I'm approaching this as if it's supposed to be 'an introduction to witchcraft.'

I need to remember that this video is FAR from Hearth's "introduction to witchcraft"; it's more like 'a sequel to a prequel I haven't seen yet' (reminding me how the first STAR WARS movie was PART 4 ... 

(I believe writer/producer George Lucas had written a six-part story (though maybe there were a few changes made between the writing & the filming a few decades later), but that 'jump into the middle' gave viewers a feeling like there were things going on we hadn't been there to learn-about---just like real life) 

|Lemons (going rotten in just hours) can be used to detect Negative Energy. She mentions Protection Objects ... Protection from what? From 'the Negative Energy' that Rots the Lemons, I guess

(I'm not sure if Negative Energy does anything else ... maybe she has another video on that)

|Sigils have an importance (she expounds upon it in another few videos), but the main thing is that you create yours yourself so that they carry YOUR intention ... their made with 'the Planetary-|Grid that carries meaning for you, whether Vowels are being used (as well as Consonants) & Why, in order to give the Sigil more Potency.'... |DILUTE-DILUTE-DILUTE! if you're using |Essential Oils, which are highly Concentrated and highly |Flammable & possibly Toxic. 

They say "You can't BUY your first deck of Tarot Cards; the cards have to be Gifted to you." That's a Lie; if you resonate with a deck of cards, they are right for you---sometimes that DOES happen with gifted cards; sometimes they're cards you buy

the 'force' that causes you to find profit & fulfillment by doing these few favors for me 🙏🏽

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