#LegendOf #NowYouSeeMe @NYSMmovie, Reminding us What #Magic Really Is (both Stage-Magic and 'Supernatural Occurences' (like Miracles, like Children think Stage-Magic actually is)) @getFANDOM
You know NOW YOU SEE ME, the movie about four stage-magicians who (SPOILERS!) ...
... get caught up in big plans.
That's one of the things that fascinated me about stage-magic—I always liked it when I could–as J. Daniel Atlas (Jesse Eisenburg's character) said a magician always does–"be the smartest person in the room."
Interestingly, he said that to FBI-Agent Dylan Rhodes (Mark Ruffalo's character ... who was playing a bigger trick on Daniel). And they were both right—Daniel 'knew something Dylan didn't know' and Dylan 'knew something Daniel didn't know.'
That's one-of-the-things Daniel meant when he said 'smarter'—not "more intelligent," but 'knowing something that others don't know' In the interrogation-room, Daniel knew how he was functionally-innocent (that the authorities couldn't legally pin him down), even though he was one of the principal operators in a huge crime; maybe Dylan knew how too, but he didn't let-on that he knew.
But Dylan did know how Daniel (and the other three) had been put into a team in service of The Eye.
Interestingly, he said that to FBI-Agent Dylan Rhodes (Mark Ruffalo's character ... who was playing a bigger trick on Daniel). And they were both right—Daniel 'knew something Dylan didn't know' and Dylan 'knew something Daniel didn't know.'
That's one-of-the-things Daniel meant when he said 'smarter'—not "more intelligent," but 'knowing something that others don't know' In the interrogation-room, Daniel knew how he was functionally-innocent (that the authorities couldn't legally pin him down), even though he was one of the principal operators in a huge crime; maybe Dylan knew how too, but he didn't let-on that he knew.
But Dylan did know how Daniel (and the other three) had been put into a team in service of The Eye.
'That word' (below-hyperlinked to "NOW YOU SEE ME"-offers on Amazon) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...
Properties (characters, teams, etc.) of the NOW YOU SEE ME-legend ... which I'll find out more about and 'report' ("copy/paste," whatever) from here::
- Arthur Tressler
- Walter Mabry
- The Eye
- Thaddeus Bradley
- Agent Dylan Rhodes - a 'magi' brought into the stage-magic industry when his father–an escape-artist–died when an escape-attempt due to shoddy craftsmanship (?)
- Alma Dray - an Interpol detective who may know even more than Dylan about the administration in The Eye
- The Four Horsemen -a team of stage-magicians brought together (by The Eye, through Dylan Rhodes) by tarot-cards that he mysteriously tagged them-with
- J. Daniel Atlas got The Lovers card - The Snowman
- Merritt McKinney got The Hermit - he's a mentalist
- Henley Reeves got The High Priestess - Escape Artist
- 'replaced' by Lula May (The Self-Decapitator)
- Jack Wilder got Death - principally a lock-pick ("Nothin`s Really 'Locked!'" (The Slight))

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