#VoteSternCooper2024 | @StephenAtHome @BoingBoing #SternCooper2024 #HowardStern #BradleyCooper

I discuss 'why I will- or will not-vote for the radio-host and the actor' in a paying forum you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; you can earn money from the forum too, but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)


Howard #Stern & #Bradley Cooper are a very-possible candidacy for the 2024 Presidential Race. 
The surname “Stern” is built on either the surname #Starr or ancient words that mean "Severe"---the word Stern, built on ancient words that mean "Stiff" (to Look- or Gaze upon (Stare?); Obstinate, Cruel, Hard, Grave, Strict ... unless referring to the Hind-End of a Boat, a meaning based on  "to GuideSteer; Rudder" #SternWheeler #FromStemToStern #Astern #Sternward).
The surname “Starr” is built on ancient words that mean "Star" (which might be 'Celestially Inspired,' but is more likely because it was the name of an Inn (where the family works, where the forefather was conceived and/or born)).
The name “Bradley” is built on ancient words that mean "Broad Clearing" (Meadow in the middle of a |Forest).

I'm not sure if they're running as Republicans, Democrats, or Libertarians (or something else entirely ... though Stern DID run (for governor of New York, years ago) as a Libertarian); but I think it's a bad idea since the Libertarians (like EVERY 'third party' before them) have to get over 'the bad track-record' of being nothing but "a vote-stealer."

I think they should join the #RINO party---a name that's kind of a joke.
The acronym “RINO” stands for "Republican In Name Only"---a 'joke' (the same way "Patriot" & "Yankee Doodle" & "Okie" & "Deplorables" & "Gay" & "Homo" etc. 'used to be' (and sometimes 'still are'), but they're titles that are worn with pride by many now). 
Newer Republicans might also proudly-adopt 'RINO' because it's an "insult" that The Tangerine Palpatine used on Mike Pence when the former-VP refused to fulfill The Marginally Sentient Spray-Tan's unconstitutional orders.
