#SupportJournalism by Asking for #Stargazer Edibles (including Chocolate, Ice Cream, Cookie Dough) at Your Favorite Dispensary | @RobotHouseOKC @stargazer.life (that's #StargazerEdibles on Instagram)

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That's the "call to action" that Robot.House issues to us in the July 7, 2021, OKLAHOMA GAZETTE ...

'Stargazer' (below-hyperlinked to SE's 'Robot-House' about-page) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The name “Stargazer” is obviously built of the words "Star + the agent-noun for 'to #Gaze.'" 
The word "Gaze" is built on words that mean “to |Stare; a Long, |Steady, Intent Look” (Heed, |Gawk, |Gape).

Know anything else interesting about that? Comment!
