#ifPlutoWereAPlanet, maybe the #KuiperBelt would be an #ArchiPlaniGo @NASAspaceplace | #Kuiper #Cuijper #Cuijpers #Cuyper #Cuypers #Kuijpers #Keipers

I 'coin the term' in the paying forum accessed 'the bold hyperlink(s)' below; you can make money by adding your comment there, but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Archiplanigo” is a portmanteau of the words #Archipelago & Planet
The word "Archipelago" is built on ancient words that mean "|Chief, Principal (Arch-) + Pool, |Gulf, |Abyss, |HighSea, |OpenSea, Main (|Pelagic)" (originally a Greek name for The |Aegean Sea, it soon extended to mean 'any Sea studded with |Islands' and then -to such |Islands themselves). 
The Kuiper Belt is named after the man who 'theorized it' (as we did not have the technology to 'actually see it' at his time) |Gerard #Kuiper---home to many #KBOs (Kuiper Belt Objects) that are about as 'Planetary' as Pluto
The surname "Kuiper (variations also include #Cooper #Coupe #Kiefer)" is probably occupational, for a family of Barrel-Makers (|Coopers). 


Besides Pluto, major KBOs include:
