Find & Control Your #ChaosMagic with #Occult Techniques | #ChaosStar @Wikipedia ... mentioning @realDonaldTrump

What I show here is 'the group of words' that couch "that word" (below hyperlinked to a list of religions powered by 'Eight') into your vocabulary ... deeper meanings that 'firm the foundations' upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Occult” is built on ancient words that mean "to |Cover (Hide, Conceal, Save) Over." 
#Occultation #Occultism

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Chaos Magic (a.k.a. Chaos Magick, Success Magic, Results-Based Magic) is ... fascinating (the Wikipedia page is a draft that draws on 60+ other sources (books, web-articles, etc.)).

I'm guessing it's something like Scientology or 'New Age'-Wicca or Mormonism/Jehovah's-Witnesses, except with no "leader" (of course, all its practitioners are 'leaders'; but no one 'believes on them,' but rather they hear the principles & validate them with their own tests/senses/minds/brains).

'Chaos Magicians' are therefore Agnostic---holding that there isn't really any Absolute Truth except what people 'believe.' (I have a hard time with that word; because people think it means 'accept- and proclaim as True,' when its etymology indicates that it only means 'trust unquestionably'---e.g. when President Donald Trump said "Believe Me," he was saying 'go with me on this story (because--even if I was misinformed--I'm acting as if it's true).')

Of course, I'm not suggesting that people's belief 'makes impossible-things possible' or 'changes the results of actual occurrences'--i.e. if I'm dead, 'believing I'm alive' isn't going to change that fact--but the 'believing makes it true'-idea mostly applies to 'imaginary things' (such as 'intentions' or 'satisfactions' or 'guilt' or 'value')---things that are 'what they are' because people agree that that's what they are.

In Chaos Magic, the god/deity/All-Father (but not in an anthropomorphic way) is called Chaos---therein defined as 'the "thing" responsible for the origin- and continued action-of events.'

A central tenet of Chaos Magic is that 'Belief is a Tool for Achieving Effects'---in short, most people won't walk through the door if they don't believe it's unlocked and open to them. Their term for the spirit/ch'i/qi is the |Kia. (You could call it 'the human's own spirit drawn from The Holy Spirit (Chaos) and--though corrupted into the individual sinner--can find redemption & reconnect to the all-powerful Chaos.)
    The Chaos Magician accesses the Chaos Magic through:
  • The Gnostic State - focusing on one point, thrusting all others out
    • Inhibitory Gnosis - types of meditation
    • Ecstatic Gnosis - intense arousal
    • Indifferent Vacuity - a spell that's "cast parenthetically" - Evangelists' "speaking in tongues," mindlessly doodling while you're taking notes on a lecture, etc.
  • Sigils - glyphs that represent desires or intentions
  • Aleatoricism - the cut-up technique, when a text is rearranged to create a new text
  • Synchromysticism - the art of realising meaningful coincidences in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance
