#Gnosis: Something that 'All Humans' Lack (Theists, Atheists, #Agnostics ... even #Gnostics, I imagine) @GlorianPublishi

I am a Christian ... but not 'because I believe in such-&-such a way or -Savior-etc.' I don't know 'why I'm Christian'—weird ... I know why I would choose to become Christian if I had to decide to 'become' Christian again, but I can't say for-sure how I became Christian—sorta like I can't say for-sure 'how I became human.'

Do I 'believe I am paid-for by the blood offered as payment for the sake of all humanity by the Anointed One'? Not 'directly.'

No; I believe "all the people ahead of me in apostolic lineage"; and THEY TELL ME 'I'm paid-for.' (For what? I can't exactly say ... if I had to say what-for, I'd answer (off the top o' my head), 'I'm cleared for entry into the Paradise of Heaven!'; but that's mostly just to satisfy the human brain, which has 'an urge to know' such things).

But when I try to defend Christians against atheist 'insults' in Facebook Groups (and other online-forums), I see ... both atheists & theists suffer the same 'lack,' just in different directions ...

I.e. the same way theists will 'thump' a Bible-verse like it "proves" the unknowable fact they hold as true, atheists will 'thump' their powers of observation and/or reasoning! And both (the theist & the atheist) settle on their "proof" (whether it's Scripture-&-experience or 'Science Media (Journals, mostly ... or media that reference them)'-&-experience) and from-that-point-on will simply respond to arguments with, "Wrong. 'My source' said so."

Which is to say that they-themselves do not know (which I took to be 'the definition' of "agnostic" until I learned 'that might be the wrong definition' in the attached video). Theists claim to 'know' something atheists don't know—that God exists. And atheists claim to 'know' something theists don't know—that God does not exist.' But neither of them know those things! They're just 'things they tell their brains so their brains won't think they have to do so much work'

(our brains don't have to do so much work, but they
instinctively want more knowledge like a dog wants
a bone.)

The word “Gnosis” carries the scent of “to Know.”
