The Religulous Power of Eight - The #Octagram | @LearnReligions

What I show here is 'the group of words' that couch "that word" (below hyperlinked to a listing of a few of the most-crucial ways "Eight" plays into religions' stories) into your vocabulary ... deeper meanings that 'firm the foundations' upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Octagram” is built on ancient words that mean Eight + Line

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    Some of the Religious Eights
  • The Ones that Come to Mind
    • Scientology's 8 Dynamics
    • Buddhism's Eightfold Noble Path
    • The Judeo-Christian focus on The Eight Day (in several ways, most-notably Judaism's 'circumcision-' & Christianity's 'baptism-on the eighth day after birth'
  • Some More listed at the 'built' word above:
    • the 8-point starburst of Babylon's Ishtar (or Greece's Aphrodite or Rome's Venus)
    • Egypt's 8 Deities
    • Gnostics' Ogdoad (four pairs of primordial principles)
    • Hindus' 8-point Star of Lakshmi
    • Astrology's Overlapping Squares (symbolizing positive- & negative aspects of The Four Elements)
    • Judeo-Christian Esotericism's placing the Hebrew Letters of God's Names יהוה & לתת (ADNI & YHWH) at the points of an octagram
    • the Star of Chaos Magic
    • the Wiccan Wheel of the Year 
