interesting that @DrNikkiStarr (M.D.) prescribes #iNTOXiCATiON (you might want to 'ease into it' through #iNEBRiATION) - The Pathway to Ascension

Discussing a consultation she had with her colleague/life-coach, Dr. Nikki says the advisor suggested,

 “Well, what if you only choose to do things that intoxicate you.”


Poof! Suddenly the light bulb went off and I started laughing, “Ok I have an idea but this sounds like a joke. I couldn’t possibly have a program like this! The program would be called:

INTOXICATION: Live the HIGH life. With modules like sex, drugs and rock and roll.”

The rest of "the only sales-letter I would actually read" (leading to the classes/modules Dr. Nikki presents) is linked through 'the main word' below; but I feel it's more important to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Intoxication” is built on ancient words that mean In + "to Poison" (Make Drunk (#Inebriate), |Excite to a High |Pitch of Feeling (which is obviously the sense of the word she hopes you focus-on)). #Intoxicating #Intoxicated #Intoxicant 
The word "Inebriation" is built on ancient words that mean In + "to Make Drunk" (of course, the only thing we mean by 'Make Drunk' is "Lower the Inhibitions" ... Inhibitions are useful when you're not sure you're protected from things that might hurt you, but sometimes they also block the Fun you want to |Let In 😒 ) #Inebriated #Inebriating #Inebriant #Inebriacy #Inebriety #Inebrious

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