@PizzaHut hopes Your Taste-Buds overpower Your Intellect if You Seek Their Help in #Raising Funds

Because--just like they attracted employees by telling them they can "make some serious dough"--now they're pretty-sure they can get plenty of fundraising-business by telling customers that "FUNDRAISING.IS.CHEESY."

Yes, 'cheesy' also means "Looking, Smelling or Tasting like Cheese"; but (unless they're thinking you want to make your fundraising as 'smooth like professionally-seasoned milk-fat'), the statement implies that (if you're not thinking of Pizza Hut's savory confection) your fundraising efforts are "inferior, cheap, inauthentic, overly dramatic or saccharine (yet unconvincing and apparent in its attempts)."

Your chance to have Pizza Hut help you #Raise some Cheesy Dough is linked through 'the main word' below; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Raise” is built on ancient words that mean "to |Lift, Cause a #Rising of" (Rear). #Raised #Raising #HairRaising #HellRaiser #Upraise 
The word "Rise" is built on ancient words that mean "to Go Up" (Flow, Travel, Awaken for a Journey). #Risen #Rose #Arise #Arose #Rising #Riser #HighRise #LosRise #Moonrise #Sunrise #Uprise


The Flyer--with 'three Pizza Hut ads' (one for fundraising, one for Jobs at Pizza Hut, and one big one with meal-specials)--reads:

Let Pizza Hut help your organization raise some dough!
  • SIGN UP! - Fill out our online application to get started
  • SHARE! - Promote the date with your digital fundraiser flyer
  • EAT! - Redeem the fundraiser flyer with your Pizza Hut order
  • EARN 20%! - For every order accompanied with a fundraiser flyer, RAISE 20%!

Most Pizza Hutreg; restaurants are operated by independent franchisees, and they control their own employee policies and practices. Benefits available at franchised restaurants may vary. The Pizza Hut name, logos and related marks are trademarks of Pizza Hut, LLC. copy;2021 Pizza Hut, LLC
