A #Rare Sale from @KimKardashian's @SKIMS (be "the most interesting to look at" in this selection of #Bralettes, #Shapewear, #Loungewear, etc.) | @eOnline @WowAppOFFICIAL
WowApp-homepage shares lots of "news" with me, and the 'news' from E! often includes
bargains that--though I can't take advantage of them myself--DO leave some
extra money for you to pay-it-forward!
One such set-of-bargains is linked-to through the bold text ...
The word “Rare” is built on ancient words that mean "to Separate" (for the adjective meaning Unusual) or "to Mix" (for 'the lightly cooked steak') or a variant of #Rear (for a four-legged animal Rising Up on the Hind Legs).
mean "to Rise."
just like #Rareness #RareEarth #MediumRare #Rares
#Rared #Raring #RaraAvis #Rarefy #Rarely #Rarity
#Rarer #Rarest #Arrear #Arrears #Reared #Rearing
#BringUpTheRear #RearAdmiral #RearViewMirror
The word “Bralettes” is built of #Bra + the suffix #let. The word “Bra" is a shortening of #Brassiere, built on ancient words that mean "an #Arm" (Arm-Guard, Shoulder-Strap, Breast-Supporter ... see Brachio-).
And "Arm" (all senses of the word ... is what I'm
declaring/guessing right now😎) is built on ancient words
just like #Bralette #Bras #Brassieres #Arms #Armed
#Arming #ArmTwister #ArmWrestling #CoatOfArms
#UpInArms #toBearArms #Armament #Armature
#ArmBand #Armchair #Armful #ArmCandy #Armistice
#Armless #Armlet #Armoire #Armpit #ArmRest #ArmsRace
#ArmsLength #OverTheShoulderBoulderHolder
The suffix “-let” is a #Diminutizing suffix (i.e. one that turns a word into a Diminutive).
The word “Shapewear” (Foundation Garments designed to Hold a part of the body in a Particular Form) is built of Shape & Wear.
The word “Loungewear” (Informal Clothing designed to be Worn at Home) is built of Lounge & Wear.
The word “Swim" is built on ancient words that mean "to be in Motion (in- or on the Water, Floating)."
right beside #Swims #Swam #Swimming #SinkOrSwim
#inTheSwim #Swum #Swimmer #Swimmers #Swimmingly
And so it goes.
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My New Mantra (one of several) |
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