#Drugs #NaturalDrugs #SyntheticDrugs #LegalDrugs #IllegalDrugs #AddictiveDrugs #HealthyDrugs #DrugStore #DrugAbuse

At a recent support-group meeting, we discussed how 'people with our condition' need a "hobby." Someone mentioned how you get a 'high' from accomplishing something, and that reminded me of videos I'd seen that described how 'puzzle-games' (that are very popular on Facebook) are very-accurately-described as "dopamine factories" ...

The word “Drug” is built on unknown words beneath the ancient words that mean Supply, Stock, |Provision—possibly meaning |Dry (as the containers would be labeled with words meaning 'dry Goods' or 'dry Wares,' it was easy to mistake the adjective for 'a noun telling people "what was in the container"').

I'll start a list of drugs here ... by no means "exhaustive" (like the list this link might lead to), but ... we'll see where it goes:
  • Chemicals produced by your body
    • Dopamine - the 'good job'-signal from your brain ... probably synthesized in Dope
    • Endorphin
    • Adrenaline
  • Naturally occurring (though I'm sure manufacturers probably also synthesize that to make their products seem "healthy")
    • Caffeine
    • Turmeric (Curcumin?)
    • Antiangiogenesis Foods
  • Vitamins, maybe?
    • They're defined as "any of a group of organic compounds which are essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities in the diet because they cannot be produced by the body."
    • I take a 'vitamin-supplement' (a 'pill' (chewable gummy) with a fraction of 'my daily dose of vitamins'). I'm fairly-sure I get "my daily dose of vitamins" in my food, but ... I guess I'm using The Placebo Effect to 'fool' my subconscious mind into properly digesting those vitamins' (or something).
  • Artificially Manufactured drugs
    • Loratadine
    • Marijuana (and all the marijuana-derivatives ... THC, CBD, --umm XYZ, LMNOP ...)
    • Tolnafate? (I've never heard of it, but it's 'the active ingredient' in a toe-fungus blocker I'm trying)
    • Aspirin
    • TUMS (the popular name for the antacid with Calcium Carbonate ... the same way 'Coke' is the popular name for Carbonated (no relation) Beverages)
    • 'Tussin' (I'll have to look that up later ... I think it's a popular name for 'cough-medicine')
